Chapter 6

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"Loki these guns you say were around the room, can you tell me more?" Tony asked. Loki was just sat there. Glancing at my photo and not listening to anyone.

"Loki! Come on! We know where she is! We found her! We know where she is. We're gonna get her back!"

"Yeah well I'm just panicking ok?! I told her we were coming back! I told her to wait! What if they heard and got to her! That would all be my fault!" Loki screamed at him. He buried his head in his hands. "And the guns hand a blue light"



"Right then Loki, those are proximiter authority system guns. I can build a device to disable it and hopefully turn their security against them" Bruce said.

"Just make what you need to. To get her back"


"We found that the intruders spoke to you earlier. Care to explain what they said?" X asked. I struggled to sit up again.

"No, why would I?" He slit my stomach back open again.

"I'll ask again, care to explain?" It hurt like hell. I was breathing so heavy I couldn't talk. I just shook my head.

"Fine then, we will give you some time. We will be back. Chain her back up lads." They injected me with the same stuff as earlier but this time I was different. I was unconscious but I could hear and feel everything. I just couldn't move or talk. I just called this the 'Brain State' because my brain was asleep, but I wasn't.


"Tony I've done it." Bruce said

"Great Bruce, we'll go back tomorrow. I'll tell everyone." He walked over to the main room. Everyone was sat down and was just silent.

"Bruce has finished the machine. 6:30 tomorrow we'll set off. The meet is at 6:15 and we will be there around 9:00. We will have a team in the quinjets for when we get back as she most likely needs medical attention. So Bruce, Nat and Loki, You'll be in there with the medical team waiting for her return. Steve, Thor and Clint, I assume the defences are around the same as the last time we visited so your fighting off the guards outside again. Peter? You and I will be inside searching for her. I'll be on the ground floor, you can search the basement. Everyone got that?" Tony explained.


Tony explained everything once more. Just to make sure everyone knew what they were doing. They did the same as a couple days before really. Just with less people. Searching the place with some outside fighting the guards.

"Come on Peter, last room. You can do this," He told himself. His hand crawled over the door handle. And he pushed down to bring it open. He was devastated. He ran over to me.

"Oh my god Y/n. Y/n please be ok please be ok."
He unchained me and held me in his arms. They were warm again. It still hurt to move so I turned my head and opened my eyes slightly.

"..Peter?.." I murmured. His face lit up with joy.

"Yes Y/n, it's me." He smiled. "Mr Stark? I've found her. She's alive, just needs medical" he said over comms.

"Ok kid." He said back. "Shit! Uh kid? Make that quick, I just tripped an alarm and it says self destruct"

"Will do Mr Stark." He carried me out. He must have done something because he was limping himself. He had his warm arms wrapped tight around me, while I was bleeding out all over him.
"Come on Y/n, we're almost there,"  I panicked. I saw the building was about to blow behind us.


I didn't get to finish. The building had blown I was flung out of peters arms and chucked into the air. When I landed back down I was covered in rock. I don't think I go fully unconscious anymore. A drop like that would've made anyone go at least unconscious. Most likely killed. But not me. I was in the Brain State again. Peter was yelling.

"Y/n? Y/n please don't be dead.." He tried to get up but couldn't.

"Peter! Y/n! Are you two there?!" Tony shouted.

"I'm here Mr Stark!.." He forced a hand out and was waving over to him. Tony lifted him out. He was now panicking.

"Peter?.. Where's Y/n?.." He asked cautiously. Peter was out of breath.

"Over there.." He panted. "I would've got her out myself but I couldn't get myself out. I didn't want to try and hurt her even more. Careful with her. She's not good. I think she's out again." Tony made his way over to get me out.

"Wow Y/n you really aren't good. Bruce you're here! I've checked her pulse and it's there, she's just unconscious. I'll put pressure on her wounds, they just need stitching up." They rolled me on a bed. I was still in the Brain State so I couldn't do anything to signify I was ok.

Y/n LaufeydottirWhere stories live. Discover now