Chapter 2

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I started unpacking all of my stuff. Specific drawers for everything, and everything in its own place. I've always been tidy. Can't stand mess. I had finished and thought "Might as well have a shower and get ready for bed" as it was Around 8pm. I could always watch TV after to chill out a bit. I walked into the bathroom. Forgetting everything Peter had told me. And there he stood.

I assumed he had just got out the shower as he had no clothes on what-so-ever and his hair was still damp.
"Oh my god Peter, I am so sorry." I said as I quickly hid back behind the door "I didn't even realise the shower had been on"

"Yeah um, the shower is pretty quiet." Said Peter as he was rushing around finding a towel. "You can come back in now, I have got a towel on,"

Never would I have thought I'd see someone naked on my first day at the compound. I said he looked cute earlier, he looked even better with his top off and wet hair. I walked past him to get to the shower. We rubbed past each other passing by. His skin was warm and damp. I assumed he felt the same thing with my skin as we stopped in our tracks for a few seconds. The only thing was my skin was wet with sweat. But he didn't have to know that.
"I'm just gonna, get in the shower now.." I said trying to break the silence.

"Oh yeah sorry. Course. See you later Y/n" Peter said shyly.

The Morning came around quickly after that. I ended up not watching TV as I was too embarrassed from walking in on someone so I just went to sleep. Got dressed in a normal like outfit and went downstairs for breakfast. Tony was the first to speak to me.

"Hi Y/n, first days not gonna be too great. We still need to fully understand what you can do. So today you've got some training with Strange. I'll be working on a fully functional suit as I get the information from Strange as to what you can do. Alright?"

"Sure, I need to practice anyways. Since you've only just told me there's a mission in 5 days"

We just went through some basics after that. Everyone else had to stay inside a weather proof room in the compound. Just in case I accidentally did something I wasn't supposed to.

"To start with could you create a storm for me? I just want to see how long it takes you." Strange said.

I managed to create storm in 7 seconds. That's rather good. I did accidentally strike a chicken coop but luckily there were no chickens in.
"Hmm, you say you can create natural disasters as well. Can you create earthquakes? Only small ones. Just to knock someone off their feet"

I did exactly that. We kept doing the same back and forth all morning. With breaks for food and drink. I trained with Tony in the afternoon. Instead of powers though it was self-defence. I also practiced using a gun as a back up just in case. All week was around the same. Strange testing me to what I could do and Tony helping me with self defence. Tuesday came round a lot faster than I thought. And let's just say, that was not a good day.

Y/n LaufeydottirWhere stories live. Discover now