Chapter 7

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It had been a few days until I woke up. And when I did Loki was sitting there, waiting for me.

"Well hello there," I said.

He looked up and smiled at me. I tried to sit up but winced from the pain of my wounds.

"Hello. Hey hey, take it easy." He put his arm out to ease me "You're still recovering, remember?"

"Yeah." I shuffled round to get somewhat comfortable.

"Right then. I'm going to tell Bruce your awake. Wait there 2 minutes."

He was right to his word. It wasn't long before Bruce and Tony walked in with Loki.

"Hi Y/n, You feeling better?" Bruce asked.

"A lot better compared to that place they kept me in."

"Yeah, sorry about that. You know, losing you. You hadn't even been with us a week." Tony apologised.

"Don't worry about it Stark, that's in the past. We're in the present. Loki? Would you be able to take me to my room? I feel I'd be much more comfortable there. Don't worry, I'll stay in my bed until you tell me I can come out."

"Would be my pleasure dear" Loki smiled at me.


I heard a knock at my door again. I was still in bed. Bruce said I was still recovering and couldn't come out yet. I was in the middle of watching TV.

"Come in!" I shouted at the door.

"Hey Y/n. I was wondering, it's totally ok if you don't want to! It's your decision! But I was wondering if you wanted some company? I haven't heard anyone come into your room much for the past week so thought you might be lonely. I brought snacks if you want to!"

It was Peter again. He had the same warm but worried smile he had for the past week while checking in on me every day.

"Don't worry about it Peter, I would love for you to keep me company," I smiled back at him.

I shuffled up on my bed and motioned for him to sit down. He put the snacks in the middle of us and said,

"Don't tell Mr Stark that I've brought snacks, he doesn't know"

We both laughed at that. We had watched a lot of TV together. Every time we laughed we looked at each other and glanced into our eyes. This time was different. We looked in each other's eyes for longer. Peter reached out his had and put it behind my neck. He held it there for a few seconds fiddling with my hair. Then he pulled me in and kissed me.

I could feel the energy passing through our lips. Coming from his to mine. His lips felt warm as did his arms like they did any other day. I could smell his cologne and he tasted like cherry lip balm. His lips felt like pillows on his body and his muscles relaxed as he held me. I could feel his joy. This was the happiest I'd felt in a long time.

It would have happily gone on for longer. Although I pulled back from the kiss in pain and grabbed my stomach. My stitches had come loose and I was bleeding out on my bed. There was a pool of blood. I looked up at Peter and his face was horrified. I could tell he was scared he did something. I was breathing heavy and struggled to speak

"..Peter...get..Bruce.." I panted as I entered the Brain State again and couldn't see or move or talk.

"Oh Shit! Y/n please be ok, have I done something? Mr Banner! MR BANNER!" Peter said worryingly. Stark was outside and was confused at Peter.

"Woah kid, calm down a bit. Now why do you need Banner?" He said awfully calm.

Peter was shaking. He was controlled by panic and guilt. Because he thought he did something wrong. He thought he'd hurt me.

"It's Y/n.." he said in a shaky voice "..we were watching tv and I'm not sure what happened... she's just now on the bed holding her stomach and bleeding out. Please Mr Stark just do something." He was crying. He didn't know what to do.

They both ran to my room. Tony started panicking and rushing too as now I wasn't responding, and when Peter left, I was.

"Right ok, no need to panic." He told himself even though he was clearly panicking "Ummm right she had a pulse. Just unconscious. Right, JARVIS turn Banners comms on"

*Bruce Banners communication systems are online sir*

"Right umm Banner! We need you down here Y/n's room ASAP. Bring a med kit with you and tell the med team to hurry down too,"

Bruce hurried down. I could hear his footsteps coming down the corridor, I could hear his shaking voice as he wondered what had happened to me.

"I'm here! Shit! How have they come undone?! Lift her on that bed. Keep her stomach up! I'm going to bandage it until I can put the stitches back in. Your here! Get the breath monitor on her! She got a pulse? Good. Let's get her to the operating room."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2021 ⏰

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