Boom Clap

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Title: Degrassi: The New Generation

Credit: Written By

Author: Milo Stuart

Source: Degrassi: The Next Generation

Draft date: 01.08.2021


Episode 1 Boom Clap

.Scene 1

!The scene opens, fading from black, suspenseful music playing. CLARK is sitting in a chair in the interrogation room of the police station, his back to the camera, silhouetted. The camera zooms in, his panting getting louder and heavier. The camera cuts to a close up of his face, slowly zooming out. His facial expressions show he's obviously nervous and worried, subtle sweat dripping from his forehead. He's looking around the room, fidgeting, pulling on his shirt collar, tugging on his shirt. A door from off screen can be heard opening and closing. A voice from off camera can be heard. It's the DETECTIVE.


Okay, Clark. I need you to tell me what happened.

!CLARK, still panting nervously, doesn't respond nor look at the detective. The camera cuts to the DETECTIVE. He sighs, and pulls out the chair across the table from CLARK. He sits down, setting his note pad on the table in front of him. He folds his hands on the table and stares intently at CLARK.


Relax. Everything will be fine. I just need you to tell me what happened.

!There's a brief pause.


Can you do that for me? Just start at the beginning.

!CLARK turns to the DETECTIVE, licking and biting his lip slowly as his mouth slowly hangs open. He sighs softly. Cut to a view of a male body floating in a pool, the camera facing upwards from the bottom of the pool. Ambulance sirens can be heard slowly getting louder.

.Scene 2

!Sharp cut from scene 1. "New Beginnings" by NEFFEX begins playing. The camera pans, a couple of students walk in front of the camera towards the school, slowly revealing the school. Students are gathered in front of the school, split into various groups, some students by themselves, a school bus sits in the corner of the camera view, a welcome back banner hangs below the Degrassi Community School sign. The scene cuts and pans to a closer view of the students greeting their friends in front of the school, reuniting from their summer vacations. The camera stops in front of JACK, sitting on the steps of the school, looking at his phone. A car pulls up in front of the school. HENRI gets out of the car, her twin sister, HANNAH, following behind her, adjusting her skirt.


(To her mom from outside of the car)

Bye, Mom! (closes the car door and turns to face the school, smiling when she notices JACK sitting on the steps) Jack! (she runs over to JACK, pushing her sister out of her way, HANNAH scoffs, pulling out her phone to check it, shaking her head)

!Jack looks up from his phone and smiles when he sees HENRI running towards him as he stands up. HENRI smiles wide, throwing her arms around JACK when she reaches him. They hug tightly, chuckling to each other as they pull away.


I'm so happy to see you!


(still slightly chuckling)

You, too.


How was your summer?


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