Don't Say You Love Me

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Title: Degrassi: The New Generation
Author: Milo Stuart
Source: Degrassi: The Next Generation
Draft date:
Episode 5: Don't Say You Love Me


!The scene opens to HENRI sitting in the interrogation room, the DETECTIVE is sitting across from her taking notes, looking up periodically to look at her, studying her her cheerful disposition.

It's like being in a crime movie. (the DETECTIVE looks up from his notes at her) The depressing decor, the single over head light, metal chairs and table. If you had a partner we could play good cop, bad cop. (mimicking a hypothetically scene) "Tell us what you know or we'll break your jaw so no one will ever know the truth." (she chuckles nervously as the DETECTIVE leans forward)

Ms. Odin, are you aware of the severity of the situation at hand?

Oh, very much so. (nervously, looking away) That's why I'm making jokes. Lightening the mood.

From my understanding, after the altercation with Arsyn Najafi's father in mid October, Arsyn came to live with you and your family. Is this correct?

Yes, sir. He's still living with us. (smiling) Arsyn is a real trooper, and a delight to have around the house. Because of him, my sister and I's chore load is a lot lighter, and Arsyn is eager to help out in anyway he can. My mother absolutely adores him. He's like the son she never had. (shrugs her shoulders as she smiles)

And how has Arsyn been since coming to live with you and your family? Any changes in his mood or behavior?

Well, I mean, at first he was a little depressed. I mean, his father had just disowned him, but it seemed like after Ettore broke up with his girlfriend, Robin, Arsyn's mood improved tremendously. He was obviously much happier.

And prior to the break up?

Well, at first, after Arsyn was kicked out, things between him and Ettore were kind of rocky, but they were even rockier between Ettore and Robin. And their break up was even messier.

I see. (there's a pause) Do you believe that Robin Houser would cause any harm to Mr. Ortica?

I mean, she was pretty upset by the break up. I mean, who wouldn't be? But I don't think she would ever do anything to hurt Ettore. He's so sweet. (becomes flustered) That's why... that's why all of this is just so unbelievable. I can't even imagine anyone hurting him. He's so kind and gentle to Arsyn, and understanding. (smiling sweetly) They're so cute together. They're like couple goals. (the DETECTIVE nods)

Perhaps you could recall the events that led up to this break up between Ms. Houser and Mr. Ortica. Starting with the night that Arsyn came to live with you. (HENRI nods, looking down)

!Scene cuts to the Odin home. HENRI is one the couch in the living room, ARSYN sitting next to her. She's about to apply antiseptic to the cut above his right eye. She uses her hand to guide ARSYN's face to face her, the cloth with antiseptic in her hand.

Now, this is probably going to sting a little bit. (she presses the cloth to ARSYN's cut, ARSYN winces in pain as she pats the cloth) There. (she sets the cloth down on the coffee table, grabbing a bandage and opening it) That's my tough, strong boy. You're the best patient I ever had. (she smiles to ARSYN as she applies the bandage)

Thank you, Henri. I know this is a huge inconvenience for you and your family...

(finishing applying the bandage, smiling)
Don't be, silly. It's not an inconvenience. This is what friends are for. (Mrs. Odin enters the room from the kitchen and sits down in the chair next to the couch, leaning towards ARSYN)

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