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Title: Degrassi: The New Generation
Credit: by
Author: Milo Stuart
Source: Degrassi: The Next Generation
Draft date:
Episode 8: traitor

.Scene 1

!The scene opens with the DETECTIVE pacing back and forth in the interrogation room. ELOISE is sitting in the seat, smiling confidently, not phased by the severity of the situation.

I really don't know why I'm being interrogated. I barely know Ettore.

But he did date your best friend, Robin Houser.

Ex best friend.

Regardless of the status of your friendship with Ms. Houser, you still know Ettore Ortica.

Look, Detective, when Robin severed ties with me, my contact with Ettore was severed, too. Actually, it was severed when he came out to Robin and broke up with her. Ettore isn't the perfect nice guy everyone is painting him to be. I mean, come on, he cheated on Robin when they were together. How can being a cheater make you an honest person? (the DETECTIVE stops pacing and turns to ELOISE)

Are you saying people are not allowed to make mistakes?

Well, no, not exactly.

Then it is possible for people to redeem themselves. (ELOISE looks away, embarrassed, the DETECTIVE sits down, becoming firm) From what we've gathered from other witnesses, there's talk about Ettore being outed at your school. (ELOISE turns back to the DETECTIVE, sternly) Would you happen to know anything about that or who outed him? Maybe this person had some sort of reason to cause harm to Ettore, and, in turn, possibly could've been the one that harmed him. (ELOISE exhales deeply)

Let's get one thing straight here before I tell you what I know. No, I'm not the one who beat Ettore and threw him into the pool. I had absolutely nothing to do with that. (the DETECTIVE looks at her intently, ELOISE hesitates) But, yes, I guess you could say I was the one who officially outed him. (the DETECTIVE nods) Listen carefully, Detective, because what I'm about to tell you, isn't exactly something you'd see in a Hallmark movie, and I'm not the villain in this sad, sad story.

!The scene cuts to CLARK's bedroom, the camera panning from the floor to the bed, revealing CLARK and ROBIN finishing having sex. ROBIN orgasms as CLARK grunts furiously, both panting heavily as CLARK lays on his back next to ROBIN, covering her breasts with the blanket.

Oh my god! That was amazing. (CLARK chuckles through his pants)

Better than the first time or better than Ettore?

(shying away, embarrassed)
Oh, let's not talk about Ettore. That wasn't my finest moment. Besides, I don't even know if he counts, what with him being gay and all.

Well, I'll take being better than a gay guy.

Ah, don't toot your horn just yet. From what Ettore has told me, his and Arsyn's sex life is something out of a Nicholas Sparks novel.

Oh, way to stroke my ego. (ROBIN looks at CLARK and rests her head on his chest)

I would rather not compare our sex life to other people's. It just doesn't matter. It's not like I'm trying to keep score.

Fair enough. I'm sorry I brought it up.

No, don't apologize. I know guys need more than just their egos stroked. (they laugh as ROBIN's phone chimes, she turns over to the nightstand to check the notification)

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