Drunk In Love

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Title: Degrassi: The New Generation
Credit: Written by
Author: Milo Stuart
Source: Degrassi: The Next Generation
Draft date:
Episode 7: Drunk In Love

.Scene 1

!The scene opens to EMILIA in the interrogation room, trying to hold back tears. She starts to cry, leaning forward, holding her face in her hands, elbows resting on the table. She starts sobbing. The DETECTIVE's voice can be heard off screen.

It's okay, Ms. Ortica. Your brother will be fine. He's at the hospital right now.

(sobbing into her hands)
I just can't believe this. (she raises her head) Who would want to hurt him?

That's what we're trying to figure out.

I mean, sure, he has his faults, but he's such a good guy, and he's an amazing brother. (she holds her head back into her hands) I'm such an awful sister! (the DETECTIVE looks at her intently)

Ms. Ortica, you wouldn't by chance happen to have been drinking tonight have you? (EMILIA looks up at the DETECTIVE, speechless) You do realize you could be in a lot of trouble if you have been found to have been drinking tonight, but if you cooperate, I may be able to give you nothing more than a slap on the wrist. (EMILIA nods) I need you to tell me what you know. (EMILIA sighs, sniffling)

Well, it started like this...

!The scene switches to the morning after the Halloween party. ARSYN awakes, the sun shining in his eyes. He looks over at ETTORE sleeping in the bed next to him and he smiles softly. He leans over, repeatedly kissing ETTORE's cheek. ETTORE stirs, smiling and groggy. He turns over to face ARSYN and opens his eyes, smiling at ARSYN.

(waking up)
Good morning.

Good morning.

Am I still in the doghouse?

Well, after your performance in bed last night, I'd say you're forgiven. (they chuckle) How are you feeling?

(rubbing his forehead)
Like I've been hit by a ton of bricks, but that's not going to stop me from making you breakfast.

I have a man who cooks?

You have an Italian man. Cooking is in our genes. I just hope you don't mind him making you breakfast shirtless in his grey sweats. I know how much you like my ass in them. (kisses ARSYN on the forehead as he tosses the blanket aside and sits on the edge of the bed, naked, ARSYN smiles and watches ETTORE as he pulls his underwear up)

I like the look of it bare too. (ETTORE chuckles as he puts on his grey sweatpants) The dick print is really nice too.

(teasing flirtatiously)
Hey, if you want morning sex, all you have to do is ask. (ARSYN chuckles as ETTORE sits back down on the bed) But if that's what you're after, I need to get some fuel in my belly. I hear you're not suppose to fuck on an empty stomach.

Hmmm, and you're so sure I would want to have morning sex.

Hey, there's no pressure. (gets serious for a moment) Arsyn, look, I know I fucked up bad last night, but I promise I'm making it up to you. I don't ever want to be with anyone who isn't you, and I never want to be on any type of drug again.

(smiling and caressing ETTORE's cheek)
I know you're sorry, and I know you mean it. You wouldn't have told me as soon as it happened if you didn't regret it. Like, I said, everyone deserves a second chance.

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