Homeward Bound

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A/N So i just got back from the dance part of the musical auditions and man does my body hurt. Gosh i think we danced for at least 4 hours straight today. So anyway i decided to update.

Morgan's POV:

It was a few days after i was attacked and the doctor said that i was good to go back to America. As much as i really didn't want to leave Niall, Harry, Louis, Liam, and Zayn, i did want to see my friends from camp. Niall said that it would be good for me to go to camp and just escape life for two weeks. So i stood in my room packing the rest of my clothes. When i was done i went around the house to see if i had left anything. The guys had all gone out to do something. They didn't quite exactly tell me what but they had taken my ipod with them. I walked back into my room and grabbed my suitcase, pillow, carry on, and the stuffed bear that Niall had gotten me when i was in the hospital. I pulled them all out and put them by the front door.

"well i guess that just about does it." i said to myself. I went and sat down on the couch and turned on the TV. I must've fallen asleep because the next thing i knew Niall and Louis were ontop of me and Liam, Harry, and Zayn were right in my face making the creepiest faces possible.

"AHHHH." Louis cried what i think was a battle cry and started tickling me.

"Tomlinson! I swear if you dont stop i will take all your striped shirts back to America with me!" I laughed. Louis jumped off of me and i got up. Niall handed me my Ipod.

"We put a little something in there, don't watch it until you are up in the air."he said gently placing the IPod in my hands.

"Ok." I said

"Ready to go?" Liam asked as he placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah." I sighed. I really didnt want to leave but i knew that i had to. I picked up my teddy bear and Harry grabbed my suitcase, Zayn grabbed my carry on, and Louis grabbed my pillow.

"Gosh! Girl what is in here rocks?" Harry asked as he lifted my suitcase.

"Yes cause i totally have like a secret rock collection that you don't know about." I teased as we headed out to the car.

-----At the Airport----

"Flight 413 to Newark now boarding." someone said over the loudspeaker.

"Well that's me." I said as i got up and started gathering my things. Liam came over and gave me a hug, soon followed by Harry, Zayn and Louis. I walked over to Niall and he pulled me into a hug.

"I'm gonna miss you Niall." I said as i started to cry.

"I am going to miss you too babe." He said as his lips gently pressed against mine. I just wanted to stay like that forever but my plane was about to leave. The boys and i group hugged one last time and i walked towards the gate. With tears in my eyes i turned and waved a final goodbye to my boyfriend and my four best guys friends.

"We love you Morgan!" They all shouted as i entered the plane.

"I love you too!" I called back and headed toward my seat. After a few minutes we were up in the air and i opened up my IPod. I clicked on the video that the guys had made.

It showed Harry with a blonde wig on underneath a "tree" which was really Louis holding up two branches. I laughed a bit to myself. Niall came on screen and asked Harry why he was crying. I guess Harry was supposed to be me because he started telling Niall about how my Grandma died. Then i realized, this was how we met. Next the screen showed Zayn now with the wig on and the conversation we had when we found out that my room was right next to theirs.

"So you were the girls that were screaming last night." Liam said. After a few seconds the scene changed to show Paul now with the wig on, Niall leaning up against a door, and Paul and the guys sitting in a circle on the other side of the door.

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