This Is Us Premiere Part 3

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A/N I am sooooooo sory i havent updated in forever. I just started my new job and I have been super busy. I promise that there will be at least two more chapters coming out soon.

Morgan's POV:

   "Niall come on we are going to be late." I called from the bedroom. I had just finished changing into my gown and was finishing putting my jewellery on. Niall stepped out of our ensuite bathroom, grabbed his jacket from the bed and threw it on.

     "You look hot babe." He said with a smirk.

       "Come on we are going to be late." I said as I rolled mye eyes. Tonight was the This Is Us premiere and we were supossed to leave in five minutes.

      "Alright lets go then." He laughed.

       "Guys! Lets go! We still have to pick up Perrie and Sophia!" I called. Within seconds Liam, Louis, Harry, and Zayn were tubling down the stairs. We headed outside and into the limo that was waiting. Niall opened the door and I climbed in. Soon we were speeding down the highway towards the hotel to pickup Perrie and Sophia. As we pulled up we saw them waiting outside of the lobby. Zayn and Liam got out of the car and escorted them back to the limo.

      After we all exchanged hugs and Liam introduced Sophia and I, we were heading towards the premiere. When we pulled up I could see a huge crowd of people waiting. Paul opened up the door and we were blinded by all the camera flashes. Niall held out his arm for me to take and I took it. We headed towards the red carpet that led farther into the crowd. Thousands of photos were taken and so many people were asking us questions I lost count.

"Is it always this crazy?" I laughed in Niall's ear.

"Hey when you date a celebrity your life is always crazy." Niall laughed back.

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