Missing You

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A/N. I am so sorry that i havent updated i have just had a lot going on lately with the muscial rhearsals going on and HSPA practice testing going on in like a week so i have been studying my butt off. So anyway i am really excited because I'M GOING TO SEE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA ON BROADWAY!!!!!!!!!!!! And the best part is that i am going with the marching band who are practically my second family so it is going to be awesome. Anyway enough of my fangirling Thanks for reading! Luv Ya

Niall's POV:

It had only been a week since Morgan left and we had written everyday since, but i missed her so much. I couldn't wait for the surprise we were planning for her at the end of the week. Gosh two weeks without seeing her beautiful face, im already halfway through but it feels like forever. She had told me that her cabin was getting along really well and she was having fun but she missed me. I had spent most of the week moping around the bungalow. The guys had tried to cheer me up but nothing worked i just wanted to hug and kiss her again.

"Come on Ni we're going to Nando's" Harry called.

"I'm good, I am going to stay here." I called back. I heard a chorus of four gasps.

"Wow you must really like Morgan if you don't even want to go to Nandos because you miss her so much." Zayn said as he came over and put his hand on my shoulder.

"Come on Ni, Morgan wouldn't want you moping around the bungalow because of her and she especially wouldn't want you missing out on Nandos." Liam said.

"You're right. Fine I'll go." I sighed as the guys cheered. I threw on my shoes and walked out into the sunlight. I had to put my Ray Bands on because it was so bright and the fact that i had been inside for almost a week didnt help. We hopped into the car and Louis spend off towards Nandos.

Morgan's POV:

"Be guys we will miss you!" the girls and I called to the half of our cabin that were leaving. Maddy, Jillian, and Courtney were walking out of the dining hall as we all waved goodbye. We sat back down and continued eating.

"I wonder what Niall is doing right now." I wondered aloud.

"Probably eating." Hailey joked.

"Probably." I chuckled. Kelsey walked up with the mail.

"Morgan." she said as she handed me two letters. One was from Niall and the other was from my parents. I smiled down at the letters in my hand. Niall and I had written each other a letter each day and today i was sending him something special. We had made friendship bracelets in art earlier today and i had made three for him. One had Irish flags on it, the next had the Nando's bird on it and said Nandos in the middle, and the third said I Love You Niall. I had put them in and envelope along with the letter and put them in the mailbox at the begginning of lunch.

"Shawnees you can go!" Stu called.

"Thanks Stu!" We all answered back and headed outside.

"So what did lover boy write today?" Laura teased.

"I don't know, I haven't opened it yet." I answered laughing.

"It probably says "Morgan I love you so much, mwah mwah mwah." Alicia said teasingly making kissy noises. I just smiled as we headed back to the cabin. When we got back i sat down on my bed and gently opened the letter.

Dear Morgan,

I miss you soooooooo much. Can't wait to see you again. Tell Hailey i said "HI!" Well this letter is a bit short but i just wanted to tell you that the guys and i have a little surprise for you at the end of camp. Get excited!


Nialler <3

I smiled at the heart he wrote next to his name. I started jumping up and down and doing a happy dance. The other girls looked at me like i was crazy.

"What?" they asked

"Niall and the guys have a surprise for me when camp is over." I said with a smile.

A/N So what do you guys think the surprise is going to be? Comment what you think

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