Capitulo Uno

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A lone figure staring straight into nothingness.The vast sea of people coming about has not even faze him.He is oblivious to his surroundings,nothing catches his attention,rather no one.

The throngs of hurrying and busy people on the endless street under the towering jungle of modern forest.Skyscrapers intermingling,in various shapes and colors,it could blind a person momentarily with their marvelous and grandious looks but to him who has witnessed the evolution and the passage of time,it bores him to no end.How long has he been around?"

For more than two thousand years,he had roamed this vast world more than he care to imagine.He lived amongst each and every race there is.He has gone from centuries to centuries,coping with every changes in his environment,studying all kinds of living matters.

He lived well among the common people,earning his keep doing petty jobs just not to attract unwanted attention to himself.

He knows very well that he was beyond attractive to the eyes,not to mention he was tall in stature,buff and muscled body,his warm brown and deep expressive eyes,and pair of lips that has not have even a hint of a smile.

He lived alone,when his kingdom was attacked,he was only a teenage boy.He was just 15,but he already knows things far beyond his age.

He was separated from his parents,his father,the ruler,the King and the pack's respected elder assigned two trusted guard to sent him to safety. They meet rogues after rogues who have wanted to finish all of his clan down to its last drop of descendants.

His kingdom was burned to ashes,his parents,brothers, cousins and all of his kin were killed.

He survived those rogues who wanted him killed.But his guardians didn't.They died keeping him alive,and it deeply hurts him.

He tried to moved from place to place in the cover of the darkness.Survived on fruits,leaves and anything edible kind of plants.He never tasted anything beyond that.

Few moons passed,he discovered a nice place to hide himself from those who was after him.It was a nice little cove near the beach,and the outer part was hidden by the vines that surrounds its mouth,so it was a perfect place for him that time.

Gathering food was even easier,there are fruit bearing trees nearby, has a clean running brook inside the cove,it was even sweet tasting stream of water.

He meet a human boy younger than him one day while sitting by the beach.He run to hide but the said boy run after him.He observe what will the boy would do with him,but the boy just watch him with timid smile on his face.The boy was carrying something with him.It was food,boiled root crop it tasted mildly sweet but satisfying.

The boy doesn't even talk,just showed him where he lived.He gestured there was a community near where the cove is.

Since then, every afternoon the boy would go near the beach.They would play and eat whatever the boy brought with him.He learned that he is 14 years old,only child from a fisherfolk parents.

They became buddies,and they sometimes roam the forests to gather more fruits and they shared what they could get.

Full moon of his turning 16,he first thirst for something different.The first time he shifted into his werewolf form,and it terrifies him a lot.He could hurt people or even kill them just to quench his hunger.

They were together one time when suddenly he felt his thirst.So he told the boy to go home because he will be going somewhere urgent.But the boy insisted on staying with him.And he is gathering all his might not to shift right infront of his friend.

But he really shifted,for the hunger was winning against his common reasoning.But the boy just stayed with him,not fearing of what he could do with him.

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