Capitulo Seis

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Two days after the Blood Moon,Timmy started to wake up.He passed out and was asleep for a good two whole days.Jingyu was of course, deeply worried but at the same time proud and happy.Timmy looked peaceful in his sleep,like sleeping beauty does,glowing and healthy.

He slowly assess his surroundings,slowly gaining bits of memory of what had happened between him and Jingyu during the Blood Moon,him experiencing heat and started questioning if that really had happened to him.And he felt his body still warm,his soreness from his back,spine,and behind was screaming of truth.

Timmy got up painfully slow and trudged to the bathroom,washed his face and brushed his teeth.He examined his face,and he was amazed his skin had a healthy glow.But his eyes popped wide open when he saw something etched on his neck.

His neck had marks like new tattoos,on his left side, there was a wolf's claw in black bold ink,and a red rose was inside the paw.On his right side,two long sharp canines that has black rose,it looked like it had the flower between his teeth.The color of the markings were black.It looked good in contrast to his flawless white skin,and the marks popped more if he would wear something loose like tank tops,or v-necks and loose shirts.

He shed his sleepwear and throw them in the hamper.He walked inside the shower stall,begun his bath.While
lathering soap on his body,he was again surprised his thighs had tattoo markings just like his neck.Cute little white flowerettes hanging from the vines wrapped around his shapely inner thighs,the color green,and brown were so vivid that the white color of the petals shine with the black back drop.He was marked fully but he wasn't bothered by them.He even felt liberated somehow.Badass.......

After a good few minutes of admiring his new tats,he showered and wear clothes.He was greeted by Jingyu at the door,carrying food on the tray.The huge man winked at him and ask if he's feeling good..

Jingyu placed the tray by the bedside table and neared him,gathering him in his arms,and hugged him very tight...

"Hey baby,how are you feeling today?"

"Hi,I feel good,thank you!"

"I brought you your food,I know you gonna be up today,so when I felt you about to wake up,I hurriedly got down the kitchen to make food for you!"I hope you felt good enough to eat,you've been out for two whole days baby,I was afraid!"

"I felt good and I am starving!"This spread will be devoured and consumed by me,thank you for preparing this.....Timmy kissed his cheeks and focused on his food....

Jingyu as usual,attend to his baby's needs.He snatched the fork and feed Timmy,he lovingly wiped his mouth,or hand him his juice,or water.

All day they just stayed inside the house,cuddling and peacefully basking in each others presence.Happy,contented and more importantly complete.

Few days later,they returned back to their respective duties,Timmy was back to his career in Milan,and Jingyu to his home base in London.

They talked over video call every chance they got,while doing their jobs.Timmy was packed with photo shoots left and right.His ads was earning him more clients and his work loads doubled.His manager was more than happy with the amount of jobs it earned them,securing them more financially.

Their schedule were tight so there was no time for them to meet.So Jingyu arranged and doubled Timmy's security,of course he has him monitored 24/7.But physically,his bodyguards has been tight and strict without Timmy's knowledge.

Jingyu has been rained with request of his presence from all wolf packs,vampire covens,and other elemental beings trying to garner his favors and decide to choose and join and support them.He hasn't given anything,or replied or declined any of them.He doesn't have the need to,or he wasn't interested since he has more dealings in his plate.His everyday meetings and conferences were so demanding,and thinking of accomodating new endeavors doesn't appeal to him at this very moment.He couldn't even get to meet Timmy on a daily basis,just few minutes of call after his meetings was all they can afford....

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