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A new model sensation is making waves in the entertainment world.His name is Timmy Xu,21,a very young and promising talent in modelling.

He is a rare beauty,fair skinned,lean body,with a face of an angel,perfect nose paired with a sinful looking lips.

Nobody knows where he came from,and he doesn't like to devulge anything about his personal life and background.

He was in high school when he was scouted to be a part time model for a display at the mall.From then on,he was casted in every clothing and sports wear brand,starting from local until he gained fame and got the attention of big shot brands.

His handler brought him to Europe to focus on his modelling career,while attending his classes online.

At present he has modelled for Fendi,Vogue,LV to name the famous ones.While his commercials were pouring non-stop especially fruit drinks,mobile company,and fresh produce who wants him to stay as their endorser.

He was ask to act in dramas and movies but he turned them down.It will take so much of his valued time,he wants to finish his studies.

Timmy POV

I am Timmy,an orphan.When I reach 18,I left the orphanage and done part time jobs so I could continue my studies.

Later I meet my handler and cast me in modelling.Since then I started earning and I diligently saved my money.I don't like to spend for unnecessary things,I got freebies from the brands that I endorse,and being an orphan teach me the value of hard earned penny.

I had my handler buy me a nice and comfortable living space,a little bit pricy car and my dream bike.That was all I wanted for myself,and I sent money to the orphanage twice a year.

I live alone,my cleaner will only come every saturday to clean and do the laundry.Most of the time I am alone with my laptop catching up on my school responsibilities.

I am not like a normal kid,I don't like wasting my time in going to  parties,malling or going on a trip or vacation with friends.I have friends but not close enough to spend time getting wasted at bars or clubs like what my fellow models and people from entertainment world do.

I love being alone,if I don't have shoot or free from my studies I would rather sleep or learn cooking.

My reason for being withdrawn and aloof because once I feel wary with a person near me,it will never be wrong.It always proved me,and saved me everytime.

It maybe my instinct for survival that's always handy in the most tight situations.

Growing up in a harsh and unforgiving environment gifted me with this reliable instinct,and it has yet to fail me.

I am not a perfect person,I got nightmares every fullmoon.Its creepy,I know,but it has always been with me since I can remember.

I always dreamed of chaos,war,endless chase,blaring guns and the most terrfying of all is seeing a huge black wolf,and then it will shift into a big muscled human.The face was blurred,and its howling around the burning village.I felt the horror as if I was there witnessing it.

I tried to draw the image from my dreams,and the face of the man is blank in my canvass.I tried to find its match in my computer application,but nothing came close to that image.It remained blank,and it kind of bothers me.

I read about those mythical creatures,the werewolves and vampires.And the werewolf I had been dreaming looks like what I had found in the books I stopped from there,fearing it might visit me constantly in my sleep.

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