Capitulo Siete

196 14 18

Timmy finds himself being prep by Jingyu,of late, he was struggling to keep himself awake.He always escape to dreamland every bit of chance he got,and his loving boyfriend didn't mind it one bit,more like he even cuddled with him most of the time.After dealing with his company matters,all of Jingyu's time will be spent fluttering about his lovely partner,like a lovesick fool that he is.

Timmy always welcomed the comfort that Jingyu extends,and he felt extreme contentment with the simple gestures.He always longed for him to be in his loving embrace,even in his deepest sleep he knows that Jingyu will let him feel them.

After washing him,brushed his teeth for him,he was then being changed into a warm cotton hoodie and jogger pants.He was carried into the kitchen,and deposited him by the kitchen island while he expertly dished scrumptious breakfast that has him salivating.Crispy bacon on fluffy pancakes and eggs gets him to food heaven.He savoured his food with much gusto,and Jingyu beamed at his baby's satisfied face.

"Can you wait for me awhile baby?",I'll just change my clothes then we're going out today!"Jingyu excused himself and fleed to their room with his wolf speed,changed and fetch his bag that holds Timmy's phone,their wallets and Ipads.He returned back, his beloved was munching on some assorted nuts in a little jar....

He reached for Timmy's hands and guided him to the elevator.The car was ready for them,they climbed in and the driver put the car in motion.

"Where are we going babe?"Timmy sideglanced at the big man beside him..

"We are going back to the hospital!"We need to make sure you are perfectly fine baby!"And I know you are wondering also with the things thats going on with you!"Maybe the doctors can do more extensive check up on you,although I've a clue of what could be wrong ,but we will have the doctor decide or confirm it.."

Timmy showed doubts on his face,but then nodded.He himself wanted to know.

At the hospital

They were shown into a more secured part of the building,with its advanced medical amenities.Jingyu deliberately assisted Timmy through,with the said man still in daze.

"Hello,I am Doctor Carmine my Lords,who bowed before them and reached out his hand for a handshake ...

Timmy hold the man's hand in a polite gesture and a little shy smile adorned his lovely lips.

"Shall we do an ultrasound first Lord Timmy?"

Timmy was enveloped with shock.....but nodded when he saw Jingyu nudged him with his smile.

The doctor asked him to lie down on the bed,his shirt to be moved up to his upper abdomen.

Dr.Carmine traced around his stomach after he put some gel like substance on a wand that's connected to the machine.

"Do you think I'm dying doctor?"I just love my sleep,other than some spell of dizziness and throwing up all my guts,I am not having pains that could lead me to my death....fear showed on his face,and tears started to stream down his face....

"No, my Lord!You are definitely not dying,please don't worry yourself!"In fact,we should be celebrating,the Goddess has grant us blessings beyond compare,congratulations my Lord,you are pregnant!"......

Jingyu was silent but his tears and his blinding smile he was showing reflects what he felt inside.He was so sure a week before,now that the wolf doctor confirmed it,was priceless.

Timmy remained in daze because of the shocking revelation.Him,pregnant?How?Suddenly his mind were boggled with thousand questions,how on Earth can a man be pregnant?"Sure they have done it,countless of times,and Lord he loved and enjoyed their sweet time everytime.

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