Authors Note

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Hello Dark Quill Lovers,

Welcome to the sequel!!!! You're in Charles's world now!!!!

I will be writing this for my loyal readers as soon as The Balance mate is finished!!!!

Thank you very much for your support although every day I wake up to keep fighting against plagiarism... I understand it's very hard to come up with your own creativity but stealing isn't right! Why not try making your own and improve your craft in time!

However It won't be okay if I leave my Dark Quill Babes hanging...

so please follow my account help me beat that mirroring site as I've come to know that they target authors who has less than 1k followers.

I hope I could get your support to keep letting me write and share my stories to you.

Love Love you



Also Thanks to my girl ErcinYilidiz
for helping me make this trailer!

Beg Harder IIWhere stories live. Discover now