Yo! First Stop!

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Hey, if you have a gender identity or multiple gender identities you want me to cover, please let me know, and I will get to them as soon as I can! Your identity matters and so do you!

Second off, no hate comments. Hate comments will get reported and deleted. I'm pretty sure you don't want your account to be suspended or cancelled all because you put in a hate comment/comments.

Next up, I will be doing a handful of gender identities per part with their flags and alt flags. This is so I can get to as much gender identities as possible in one book to help as much people out as I can. The range of identities in each part can range from two to ten identities depending on how many flags I need to put in and how much info each identity has.

I will be updating this book at least once a week. Some weeks I might not get to editing, so I will do an extra one or two parts the week before that week.

I will be putting in a section or two for pronouns to help you all out with find which set or sets you feel most comfortable with. Some of you might not use pronouns, and that is okay. You are still valid if you don't use pronouns!

I hope this book helps you out!

Lots of love,

Queer Alphabet of Gender IdentitiesWhere stories live. Discover now