Transgender and Nonbinary

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In this chapter I am covering trangender, nonbinary, and agender. The source I am using to find all of these terms and to help me explain them to you, is . This website is really helpful and has helped me with trying to figure out my identity and could possibly help you.

This wiki is part of Fandom, so if you have a fandom account or the Fandom app, you can get extra help and great support with you gender identity and sexuality through posting posts on the LGBTA Wiki Fandom site.


Transgender, often shortened up to trans, is a gender identity where one does not identify with their gender assigned to them at birth. Being trans, or transgender, often refers to men assigned female at birth (more commonly known as trans men) and women assigned male at birth (more commonly known as trans women).

This would be known as the binary genders due to the fact that the western culture, which has shaped the world, is built off of two genders, male and female.

Anyone who does not fall into the binary umbrella, such as people who are nonbinary, is also under the trans umbrella. However, some of the people who don't fit under the binary umbrella don't use the label trans or transgender, as they feel like this does not fit their identity as a whole.

The opposite of transgender is cisgender (cis for short).


For when you are ever writing about trans people, the best thing you should do, is write trans, or transgender, as an adjective.

You shouldn't write it as transman or trans-man, but as trans man to describe what type of man he is. Like, is he a tall man, a short man, a muscled man, a trans man? By writing is as an adjective, it gives the reader some info and knowledge about the person on who they are and how they look or act/react to something and/or someone.

Transgender Verses Transsexual

Transsexual is more of an outdated/older term, originating within the medical and psychiatric communities. Transsexual used to be used interchangeably with transgender and some older trans people can be found still use the term transsexual.

Transsexual can also be a term to refer to trans people who have had or for those who seek to change their bodies through medical routes, such as hormone replacement therapy and/or physical surgeries. Please note that there is more than one type of surgeries. There are many forms of top and bottom surgeries for both trans women and trans men. Also, please don't ask trans people if they 'had the surgery' for that comes off as transphobic and/or hurtful.

Most people prefer only using the word transgender, for it is more inclusive and it is less medicalized. Along side that, a high majority of trans people have not, cannot, or don't want to medically change their physical appearance.


Gender Dysphoria

Gender dysphoria, or dysphoria for short, is experienced by many, but not all trans people. Dysphoria is a feeling of discomfort or self hatred stemming from a disconnect between their internal sense of gender and their outward appearance, their bodies, or how others perceive them.

People who experience dysphoria, generally feel dysphoria on a spectrum of discomfort ranging from severe, to median, to mild,  or not there at all. Where one's dysphoria is triggered to the intensity of it ranges from person to person. A large amount of people who experience gender dysphoria have worse dysphoria towards certain parts of themselves than other places.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2021 ⏰

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