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Miyeon's POV:


That's what I thought I was.

Because, after the bullet went through my flesh and everything was slowly growing faint -- as if a hefty blanket of darkness had begun to engulf my vision -- I saw Eunwoo.

He was there, he was. Somewhere in the sky, somewhere in my imagination, his black wings creating an incredible contrast with the purpleish-orange sky. He looked so ethereal up there, I thought I was in paradise.

I still wonder, why did I see him out of everyone?

Did he come as a messenger of death, like those death angels my mom used to tell me about?

Did he actually come, or was it all an illusion?

I don't know the answer yet. My mind isn't very clear. The haze is almost impossible to penetrate, but one thing I know for sure that I'm not dead. Somehow.

So, I guess Eunwoo was an illusion afterall.

'People see things when they're on the verge of giving in to finality, it's no big deal.' I tell myself that at least three hundred times a day, it's crucial to protect my sanity right now.

It's weird that I can no longer trust my own guts though. I was so convinced Lisa Manoban (or whatever her real name may be) regretted everything she did and wanted to move on together with me.

But, look what happened.

She ended up shooting me, and now I'm probably lying flat on some hospital bed, looking like a damn corpse straight into a pedestrian casket. I do feel like one, time to time.

I was totally out for quite a significant period, my guess is around 2-3 days. (one of the millionth times I thought I was dead) Then, all of a sudden, I could hear this voices whispering next to me, crying, holding my hand, caressing my forehead, hair, palms, fingers, leaving gentle touches of affection along with a subtle melancholic melody.

I could hear it all. I could feel it all. However, I couldn't do anything in response. I couldn't open my eyes, move my body, let out any kind of sound. My fingertips were frozen and my head pounded, there was a keen pain in my back.

I don't know for many hours straight I cursed Lisa in my head for that. Although, I think I cursed the doctors more. It felt like they told my brother that I wouldn't make it, don't keep your hopes high and stuffs like that.

He was crying all the time.

It made me so sad. I wanted to get up and hug him right away, but all I could do was listen. Just listen.

I would hear them say how much they love me, how much they don't want me gone and so many more heartbreaking things, while I was frozen in my bed. Frozen in time.

The most depressing one has to be my dad so far. I haven't heard from him in a really long time, and all I hear from him now are sobbing sounds; feeble and quiet.

I haven't heard from Mingyu yet. That's another depressing one.

He never came to see me, not even once. Maybe when I was unconscious, but I wouldn't know otherwise.

I'm not mad at him, I know Jeonghan and the others don't let him come in here. Though I sometimes fantasize about throwing massive fits at him, just so he clings onto me more.

Yes clingy Mingyu is annoying as a crying toddler, but hey, toddlers are freaking cute right, and Mingyu is the cutest out of them. Period.

Talk about protecting my sanity, I'm more concerned about what's even left of it. God knows what more drama awaits me after I regain consciousness.

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