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Miyeon's POV:



"Do you know what happened to the lady who shot me?" I ask carefully, as I finish gulping down another portion of the rice porridge he's feeding me for over an hour. It tastes bland, but that's the only solid thing I can digest in this state. Hell.

"No, I don't." Replies he, tone heavy and sharp.

"Did the police tell you anything?"

"What did I say, Miyeon? I don't know! You're boyfriend is handling that matter."

I zip my mouth, as though I'm getting scolded by my principle for no reason.

It's my second day after waking up from coma (apparently 3 and half weeks long, sike) and Jeonghan is still acting sour with me. Not just him, the others too. Except Joshua and Wonwoo, for now. Jeonghan wouldn't even look at them.

I know I should've told him about me and Mingyu sooner, right after he was getting better I should've told him. I  thought I was doing the right thing by prioritizing his mental health over everything, I thought I was buying time for him, for us.

But in actuality, all that happened was I missed the timing that I should've used doing what was really right, rather than what I had convinced myself of being right. And now, things have become uglier than ever, and everyone I love is paying the consequences for my actions.

Lord, what have I done?

Where do I even begin to fix it?


After a while in quietness, I decide to shove aside all my reluctance, gather up whatever courage there's left and ask for the nth time, "Will you . . . will you please let Mingyu stay today? I only saw him for a few minutes after I woke up, he's been trying alot --"

"Hurry up, Miyeon! I don't have all day." He cuts me off with a harsh rumble, stirring the bowl of food in a way that can be cogently considered as 'violent'. 

With an unsteady exhale, I try again. I'm not giving up this time. I miss Mingyu and it hurts me to not see him. If it was only me who felt that way, I'd just bear it without a word. But Mingyu is hurting too, I know that for sure and I refuse to let that happen. I promised myself I wouldn't let anything or anyone hurt him again, so I won't give up this time.

Even if it means I've to go against everyone for that.

"I asked you som --"

"I am not in a mood, try to understand."

"I didn't even say anything . . ."

"I'm just not in a mood! Stop pestering me already." He grunts, burning my soul with a keen scowl of accusation.

"Why're you like this? What's wrong with you?" I mutter in a faint whisper, the back of my eyes stinging as tears begin to blurr my vision.

"What's wrong with me?"


"You seriously have the guts to ask what's wrong with me? You got shot Miyeon, do you hear that? You got fucking shot. I thought all that was over, but no! You . . . you have any idea how much blood you lost? You were in coma for almost 4 weeks, 4 fucking horrendous weeks!

The bullet could've been gone through your heart. Some of your major organs could've been damaged if you weren't brought in on the right time, and it could've been far far worse. Doctors said it was a miracle that you made it back alive. If Mingyu wasn't -- you could've died in that place and nobody wouldn't know. I don't even know what the hell actually happened. Does all these sound normal to you?"

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