Chapter Thirty-Three

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If I wasn't going to a hospital Michael thought he should at least attempt to give me something to eat. After some frustrating research on the internet (which mostly told him I should be in hospital), he finally started with a tiny bit of food. I got to eat half a slice of bread.
It didn't go down well. It was hard to swallow and it reminded me of how hungry I was.
Sidney didn't stay in the room. Angie flittered in and out for while. I imagined she was being confronted wherever she was. Eventually she decided to stay in the room with me. She knew that while I was sick, Ren and Michael weren't going to cause a scene. She sat idly at the desk, scrolling through her phone while Ren and Michael sat at the end of my bed trying to raise my spirits.
"Do you think Doctor Michael will let you eat chips?" Ren asked. "We still haven't settled our debate."
Michael shrugged. "I don't think McDonalds chips are good for anyone's health."
Ren agreed, then took a risk. "Ang, which chips are better, KFC or McDonalds."
Angie looked repulsed. "I don't eat that."
"Figures. Sidney!" She shouted as if it was urgent.
Soon enough, he poked his head around the door framed looking slightly concerned. "What?"
"Chips. McDonalds or KFC?"
"What?" He repeated, then frowned. "I thought it was important."
"Which ones?"
For a short second, a normal playful expression reached his eyes. "McDonalds, whose saying KFC?"
"Michael." Ren answered.
"No. I'm not - "
"Man, we are gonna need to have serious chat." He pointed at Michael.
I hadn't laughed properly in a while, and it was obvious when I followed it up with a cough. It caused Michael to get up and unnecessarily fuss over me. As soon as the attention turned to me, Sidney vanished along with his smile. No-one bothered to call him back.
"Before you ask, we don't know what's up with him." Ren muttered. "He's been like this since him and Angie bought you here. I thought he'd be happy."
"I think he is... that you're safe." Michael reassured me.
Only a couple months ago did he kiss me and promise he'd call, but it felt like a lifetime and hundreds of feelings ago. The fact I thought I was living in a dream back then made it seem like I'd grown up dramatically since (I had). Though, the jury was still out on my feelings for Sidney. I deserved a cold shoulder for using him to make Eden jealous, not that he should know that. But I should be angry too, he never called! I was mad once I'd accepted he was gone, and was still mad now. But. Remembering the time we spent walking on the roads around the school talking crap, or when we got kicked out the library, or the time he bought me chocolate. They made my chest ache. And seeing him smile just now, I almost forgave him. What a prick. I wished I was still too dazed to think about my feelings.
But, that reminded me of something.
"Eden." I muttered. "Has anyone spoke to him."
Ren and Michael looked between each other before answering my question.
"Eden's been Eden."
That wasn't good.
"He's been coming into school as normal, we did try to talk to him." Michael continued. "He just shrugged us off."
I tilted my head towards Angie. She was in his classes. If anything was dramatically different, she might have noticed. But she just shook her head.
So Eden's just been going on as normal? Live goes on. Not good. Was he coping? Who was looking out for him? Not his father (for once I hoped). Listen to me, worrying about Eden as a mother would. As if I wasn't the one who should be in hospital. I was still his sister, I supposed. I think I would have felt more comfortable if he were here. He wasn't the best comforter. I remember the time I tripped at the end of the garden when we were little and he unhelpfully called me an idiot, but he still held my hand the whole time. At least now he was older, he would be better with his words.
"Do you think we could call him?" Ren said, "he seems like he could get us into a fancy private hospital."
"No." Angie intercepted immediately before I could speak (probably because she knew I would want to see Eden).
I did agree, really. Seeing Eden ran the risk of seeing his father. I did understand. But I hated it.
"I'm exhausted." I eventually said. "Would you guys mind if I slept?" If we kept talking, I worried I'd start begging for one of them to call Eden.
"Good idea." Ren said, and slid of the end of the bed.
"I should go home." Angie said. "I haven't told my parents where I am." She had already gotten up and tucked the chair under the desk, ready to make a run for it if she could.
"Really? Just tell them you're with me." Ren argued.
"That would make them suspicious. They know we don't get on." Angie replied.
Ren moved over to the window to peak out the curtain and a orange light belonging to dusk peaked back in. "Fine whatever." Ren said. "Go. But you're coming back in the morning."
"Am I?"
"Yes. Because you have to bring Marie something to wear, you two are about the same size. She can't stay in my sweater forever."
I'd only just realised. I looked down at myself in surprise. Relieved also, my school clothes had sick on them. Oh god, I hope it was Ren who got me changed.
Angie reluctantly nodded and began her preparations for leaving as quickly as she could without getting intercepted. And eventually, the other two left me to sleep, Michael only briefly returning to get me more water and give me the rest of the bread.
The more I was coming back to my senses, the harder it was to actually sleep whether I was tired or not. My mind was now filled with thoughts that had faded while I was in the box. Like how Dad and Eden were doing. Those were the two I was dying to tell that I was okay. I bet Fay wasn't even worried. I wonder if she actually knew what happened to me. I didn't even care if she did. Which was sad, really.

At the End of the GardenDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora