Author's Note

16 2 0

Hi, a quick author's note.

This story is actually completed, I started it in 2016 and have completed a ton of different drafts and all I have left to do is edit. Therefore, you can have full faith in me updating this every week as promised. 

I'm also not sure how the formatting I have chosen will look on Wattpad, at Uni I've been taught that if you send anything to a publisher it has to be like this, but this is online, so we'll see. Feel free to criticise it if you think it looks bad, I'm just testing it.

Also if anyone has a problem with absolutely anything with this story, like characters or my writing style, feel free to point it out (but nicely tho, I'm fragile). I'm doing creative writing for my degree so I'm obviously looking to improve. 

That being said, I did start writing this in 2016 (and I came up with the story and the characters long before then) when everything I wrote was so much more cringe. A lot has grown and changed and while now I like to class this as a mystery/thriller it was originally a romance. While I want to centre this story around new themes, I can't deny that it seems a bit like I've written something with small p politics behind a relationship. So if that's the issue, trust me, I know.

Still, I have really gone on a long journey with these characters and this story. Words literally cannot describe how much I love Marie and her friends. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!

At the End of the GardenDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora