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note that this story is about the old trap house members (elton, aaron, corey/devyn, jake and s&c)- the setting house will be the old trap house/
•main pov: sam's

sam's pov
-tuesday, november 18th

"hey do you wanna go grab tender greens?"
colby asked me as i jumped from my seat getting startled.
"damn man you scared me."
we chuckled at my panic. colby was one of the only people i could be myself around. plus, the other housemates. they are all my best friends.

colby and i always ate at tender greens. brennen was the man who showed it to us the first time we moved to la. its not to die for, its just the memories. and i couldn't deal with them right now.
"come on man, you have to come with this time. you haven't in months!"
colby said breaking me out of my thoughts.
"sorry colby, i dont feel like it today."
"well when will you feel like it!?"
he scoffed and shoved my shoulder playfully, walking out of my room.

i smiled at the thought of him wanting me to go so bad. i just havent been 'in the mood' recently. ive been feeling down and distraught more than usual.
and i can't let anyone know. they'll know there is something wrong, but won't know what. i can't be a burden.

third person

colby finally went to tender greens with the others and met up with brennen as sam sat in his room, doing who knows what. he sat there, all day long since he heard the news. sam was diagnosed.
though, he loved life, it just didn't feel the same anymore knowing there was something he couldn't fix. finding out the news, he became depressed and couldn't help but feel lonely. it was tough for the others seeing him like this. they knew if they talked to him, he wouldnt give them his time. they got used to it though.

all colby could think about was sam. every time he stepped out of the front door, every time he took a walk, every time he hung out with others. he wanted sam to be there, by his side like it always has been. sam and colby versus the world.
colby knew sam was a moody person and for some reason it was getting worse. he had to worry about his best friend. they had plans, always wanted to do more than they could imagine. sam just kind of gave up the past few months. it hurt colby. everyone told themselves that they can't just sit around, doing nothing. life is short. they know it's cliché but it's true.

"we have to live in the moment."

sam's pov

i wanted to talk to someone. the news got revealed to me months ago, but i still haven't said a word about it. everything crashed. my whole world went blank. i remember my doctor calling and telling me. i didn't want to be the buzz kill and make everyone else worry. it feels like the wrong thing to do but i can manage the pain alone. i'll keep quiet.
\to be continued/


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