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sam's pov
-wednesday, november 19th

i woke up first. colby was next to me.
"colby." i cooed shaking him gently. "wake up."
"hmm." he turned over almost falling back asleep.
"what time is it?"
"its almost 9."
"ughmh. cant we just sleep longer?" he asked stretching, almost punching me in the face.
"woah, colby. you almost hit me." we both laughed. he put his hand on my side, turning over.
"you still wanna sleep longer? cuz im down." i could feel my face burning up.
"im down."

jake's pov

"come on! why can't we just go uncle."
"jake, you aren't five anymore. i'm not bringing you to walmart for a stupid toy." elton said as we both laughed. "but it's not a toy! it's a collectible." ... "fine i'll just ask colby to drive me. we have to spend more time together uncle!"
i chuckled while running up the stairs to colby's room. he wasn't there so i knocked on sam's door.
"sam, colby?" no answer.
i opened it to see them sleeping. "damn.. colby, dont say anything if i can take your car to the store." .. "thanks man you're the best." i whispered, chuckling while admiring the two on the bed together. shutting the door.

sam's pov

i finally woke up. "shit." the clock read 4:36pm. i gently got out of bed rubbing my eyes, stumbling a little. i had a photoshoot today. i didn't see the point since i'm not going to make it much longer anyway.
my eyes getting heavy, filling with tears as i thought about it.
"sam?" colby knocked.
"what's up?"
"are you good, you've been in there for a while."
"yea i'm okay." i barged the door open and laughed. making it seem okay.
"i have a photoshoot. i'll be back, then we can go film." i said.
colby smiled and nudged my arm. i filled with joy i haven't felt for a while.
colby got all red. i hope he felt something more that friends.

time skip
colby's pov

sam got home and went straight to his room. half of our day was wasted since we slept but it was nice.
"yea?" he asked opening the door right away.
"are we gonna film something. its almost dark, there is this abandoned bank down the roa-"
"yeah, lets go!" he said.
he seemed better? maybe just a burst of energy but he seemed a lot happier. maybe it was just for this evening, but it me feel safe.
he seemed, okay.
i missed this sam. i loved him.

third person

sam and colby went to the abandoned building. they were thrilled since they haven't filmed like this in a while. sam definitely felt the rush.
he felt like himself again, even if it was for a while. when he was with him, he felt the excitement.

there was a noise in the back part of the bank. also graffiti, but not a ton.
"what the fuck was that.?" colby said looking dead at the camera.
"i dont know bro, we should go somewhere else.."
sam explained.
"no, we always want to leave when we hear stuff. no pussy shit this time."
colby grabbed sams shoulder shaking him and the camera.
they walked over to the sound and saw a man. dirty and sweaty.
"what the hell are you doing in here." the man said with a scratchy voice.
"we're sorry, we don't mean any harm."
colby said as they backed up.
"get the fuck out of here!"
they turned and ran. sam looked back and saw the man have a knife.
"shit man! he has a knife, go go go!"

"did you... get that on camera." colby asked breathing heavily.
"yeah. damn man.. we don't know what could have happened."

they did the outro like nothing happened after talking about it. then drove home.
\to be continued/


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