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sam's pov
-friday, november 21st

i woke up to colby sitting on my chair.
"finally you're awake."
he giggled coming to sit on my bed.
"i have to talk to you. i was gonna tell you everything last night but you looked tired."
"okay, what's up?" i asked.
"you know there is something wrong. brennen yesterday was saying shit like 'you guys know there is something wrong with sam and you're not even trying to help.' i'm worried sam.." colby explained in a soft voice.
"colby, you know nothing that serious is wrong." i choked back the tears.
"you know i'm just like this."

"i know. depression is so hard.. but i also know you're lying. it's gotten way worse lately. tell me, please."
colby said basically tearing up.
i sighed.
"ok. you sure you want to know?"
he nodded.
i hesitated and took a deep breath.
"i only have a few months left."
i let out. i regretted saying it. i didn't want anyone to know.
"a few months left until what?"
"until i die, colby."

third person

"until i die, colby."
colby's heart shattered.
"what.. what do you mean?"
"do you remember when i kept getting those bad pains in my chest?i went to the doctors office months ago for a checkup, and they told me. i have a heart condition that they just found it increasing. they can't do anything about it right now. they might not be able to fix me in time." sam said.
colby started tearing up.
"no.. this isn't real."
"it's real. i'm sorry colby. don't tell the others.. please."

he was heartbroken hearing those words from the sweet blond.

"why didn't you tell me sooner? we could have been spending time together!" colby shouted.
"calm down, i don't want the others to know."
"well why the fuck didn't you tell me! i'm your best friend.."
he said shouting a little louder.
elton and corey were the only ones home. they looked at each other, going up the stairs.
"guys!?" elton knocked.
"what's going on?"

colby usually wasn't this open with his emotions but he couldn't help it. he was on the floor sobbing next to sam who was trying to get him to be quiet.
"woah, woah!"
corey said walking towards colby. elton followed.
corey tried to sit up colby to look at them. he swatted at them, almost knocking corey down.
he got up and stumbled out of sam's room to outside. elton followed.
"what is going on sam..?"
sam stood up and told corey it was between colby and him. not to give away the secret. he walked to the bathroom.

while elton was trying to find colby.

on call with corey
E: where is sam? did he say what was going on?
C: nope, he just said it was between them.
E: well i can't find him anywhere. how did he get away that fast. -he said chuckling-
C: he's a grown man, he knows where we live elton.. he'll have to come back eventually.
E: well tell the others to keep an eye out, we have to know he's safe. i'll be back in a little bit.
C: alright uncle, see ya.
*hangs up*
\to be continued/


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