Chapter 7: A Promise and a Plan

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Author's Note: Sheesh, it's been way too long since I've been active, written, and updated this entertaining book! I've been through a whole chemistry-less relationship over this hiatus, so that will hopefully help me write romance better? We'll see, I guess. Either way, I'm happy to be back and present to you a lot more banter, silliness, and drama in this whirlwind of fanfiction! Chapter seven is completed, meaning we have sixteen chapters left of this volume, not including an epilogue. Also, the amazing Jules, aka TitaniumNinjasGirl, might read this book at some point on her awesome youtube channel, JulesReels! Please go check it out! Anyway, buckle in, and get ready for more romance!

Pixal's POV

I'm surprised Cryptor is the unprofessional one for once.

He adamantly suggests we use the lie detector test on Zane, but that wouldn't even work! Those assessments rely on merely heart rate and breathing speed.

I shake my head. "Can we get to the real interrogating now?"

"Yes," he grunts. "You can start. I'm going to get some more materials."

I have no idea what "materials" he is thinking of, but my common-sense node alerts me that they are ninety-nine point nine nine nine percent likely to be dangerous.

A groan escapes my lips. "Not only did I have to get stuck with Ninjago City's favorite unpredictable pretty boy, but-"

"Is this what alcohol does?" I hear the frosty gentleman whisper as he awakens. "Angel." He smiles goofily as his memories come back.

I bite my lip. "Here we go again."

"Do you think I'm pretty?"

Somehow the room is getting hotter rather quickly. "Of course not, Sir!" I say louder than I meant to do. "I was stating a fact. You fit our cultural beauty standards to a T."

"Well, I wouldn't think of my appearance as an attribute of importance." His tongue sticks out slightly as he smirks. "But to Miss Pixal and her red face, maybe it would be."

I cross my arms, angry for no reason. "Stop spitting nonsense." I know he is messing with me. "The vengestone cuffs may weaken a human, but for you, they merely disable elemental ability."

"I assure you, I feel out of my element," he jokes. "But I think the power of this material is stronger than you presumed. It's juicing my battery."

I roll my eyes. "I know you and your two-timing romance tricks, my friend. How do I know this is not one of them?"

"Uh, squirrels are not legal citizens, and we should steal their nuts instead!" He coughs, embarrassment in his eyes. "Would foolishness cross my path if I held full consciousness?"

I sigh sympathetically. "Probably, but not like this. I'm sorry I brushed it off."

"Ach!" He clutches his head involuntarily. "The lower my battery gets, the worse things are going to get. My element tucks battery goodnight."

I wave my arms frantically. "Okay, okay! I get it. I'll go grab you a cold compress and try to explain things to Cryptor."

"I won't go anywhere, beautiful cupcake."

What a bumbling idiot.

I walk over to the minifridge and turn to Cryptor as I look inside. "The vengestone is draining his elemental ability, which somehow powers his battery."

"Are you sure he wasn't faking it?" He sniffs, piling up a bunch of equipment. "That guy is plenty smart to come up with an elaborate plan. He's already acting like a sleaze to try and distract you."

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