Chapter 3: A Face You Can't Forget

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***Welcome back! This chapter is quite long, and the drama level is higher than anything I've written before, well, probably not higher than Ice Cold Nights, but close. So, buckle in, and I'll see you at the end!***

Zane's POV

Well, that went splendidly. A strange euphoria fills my body.

She me. She did not care that I talk oddly or am made of metal.

She even found our interaction—kind of amusing.

I smile to myself as I jog back to the warehouse.

I do not think anyone has ever been as happy to be interrogated as I was just now.

My processors have not stopped speeding up since I first saw her face. If I did not know my body mimics a human's, I would probably call someone to tell them I might collapse right now.

But I am fine. Better than fine. Some may say it is just her and synthetic hormones that do this to me, but I see it as much more than that.

My chest will not stop thumping, and it is an overwhelmingly good feeling, like all the joy is trying to burst out of me.

This kind of attraction makes me want to cry happy tears and freeze in place all at the same time. It is incredible, a high that makes me feel like I can do anything. But what if I mess it up? What if I say something wrong or do something wrong and everything falls to pieces?

I take a deep breath before arriving at the warehouse.

I picture her face: "I guess it is like anything. You cannot have it all if you do not even try."

So, I will try my best. After all, that is all anyone can do.

I cup my hands around my mouth and announce, "I am home! Are all of you unharmed?"

My four teammates race over to me.

"Zane!" Nya exclaims, relieved. "We were worried until Kai got home, and then we thought you were close behind him, but it's been over an hour, and-"

"She was worried about you," Jay finishes. "We all were."

I smile, "I am fine, Nya. I was able to escape unharmed." Better than unharmed. I wrap my honorary little sister into a hug.

"Good," she sighs, a weight lifted off of her, "because if Cole tried to cook dinner again, I swear I would die."

I laugh, "And I would thoroughly miss you all enjoying my cooking."

Cole steps closer: "I don't appreciate that jab, but I missed you too, buddy." He joins in the hug. "What happened to you? Kai already told us his story."

"I shall tell you in a moment," I respond, leaving the hug. "What was your experience, Kai? I did not even notice your capture."

The brunette rolls his eyes: "Thanks for that. Got knocked out, the officers took me in, interrogated me. I told em that last night I was with Skylor at the noodle house, so there's no way I could've made the fire. They'll probably ask someone else who was there, because apparently, her word isn't trustworthy." He mutters a curse before continuing. "Then, when they weren't looking, I escaped."

"Oh," my eyes widen. "What occurred in my scenario was quite similar, except there was only one officer." And she was beautiful. "I could not give her proof for my alibi, though, as you all know, I was here last night."

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