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Hey! I didn't plan on doing a foreword, but I had some things I wanted to say before we start, so here we are!

To begin, I want to say thank you so much to all of you. You all seem to be super excited and love the AU as much as I do.

Thank you guys so much for all your support.

I'm really excited to write this book, and I know it's gonna be awesome.

Now, moving on.

Of course, this is a Pixane story, so it will be focused on those two characters.

But a really cool thing about this story, is that is going to be mostly Pixal focused.

Which is cool because in both the show and the fandom, she doesn't get a lot of focus or screen time.

(I really hope her and Misako go on some sort of standalone adventure in season 14, but I digress.)

In this book, she is the hero. It's about her character arc, and how she develops as a person.

Of course, it's about Zane's development too, but Pixal takes the lead, which I think is really fun.

Other stuff about this AU.

The ninja (Well, vigilantes, but you get what I mean.) still have their elemental powers.

The ninja are not criminals. They are lawbreaking vigilantes fighting for good. Think Batman.

Cyrus Borg, instead of being an entrepreneur, *cough cough* Steve Jobs, he is a mechanical engineer working with the police.

Nya and Kai were formerly in a gang. (The stories on that will take place in the Kailor and Jaya stories I will write after this)

In chronological order, Kailor, then Jaya, and finally Pixane.

I'm writing the Pixane first because it's my OTP, it's very flirty, and because I can.

Also Pixal needs more love.

Lloyd's parents are not affiliated with the Ninja. Garmadon is a College Professor and Misako is a famous archaeologist.

The green ninja thing doesn't exist, and Lloyd is in Police school with Pixal. Cryptor is also there.

The police chief is the same one we've seen in the show.

Wu leads the team of vigilantes.

Lloyd is aware that Wu does this, but doesn't talk to him much.

To be clear, because the image has confused some people, Zane is in a white gi, with some frosty blue trim. He also has black combat boots.

Pixal is in her police uniform most of the time, and I will say if otherwise. She wears red lipstick, and has the same hairstyle, which I call an almost-bun, because I am in denial that Nya and Pixal have the same hairstyle.

Zane uses his cloaking mechanism from season 8 for extra mystery, and turns it off when talking one on one with people or in a more comfortable setting.

Their personalities at the core are the same, but of course there are differences because Pixal grew up with more freedom and in police academy, and there are no monsters or spinjitsu.

Zane is more confident and reckless, because of the fact that he's breaking the law constantly with his friends. He jokes more, and usually carries himself in a different way, with his ego a little bigger, but he's still the same gentlemanly android.

Pixal is less innocent, and even swears sometimes. She's still insecure, while simultaneously also having a superiority complex. As I describe it, "she's stuck in a cage of her own making." She fights for what is right, but worries constantly. She also gets defensive really easily. She's pretty much the same, just a little more strict in her ways.

None of the other characters have really changed, except I give Cryptor more of a character because he didn't really have one in canon.

There isn't going to be a villain. There might be a few very minor antagonists, but the real villain is the struggle over morals.

I personally feel like not all stories need a villain, (looking at you Disney movies. Just kidding I love you!) because the conflict and storytelling can work well without one.

Okay, so I think that's all! Have a great whenever!

Lawless Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें