Chapter Four

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California got to his room and immediately flopped onto his bed. He was super confused by what had happened that morning. To start off he woke up in Texas's arms. California was almost certain the Southerner at least disliked him significantly, so why would Texas sleep on the couch with him?

Then, as if California wasn't confused enough, he for some reason enjoyed being in Texas's arms. He felt at peace and not alone unlike he felt most mornings. Texas made him feel safe and secure, like he had someone there for him in the rough times. This was a foreign thing to the western state. Most states were only nice to him out of manners and when he made the mistake of thinking otherwise, they made sure he realized.

Just before he could continue on the sad mental tangent, California felt a searing pain across his chest. Another fire had started, the previous one had still not been contained. This would be a long week.

The fires must have made him very hazy. Normally during fires, the haze gave him a headache when it combined with the loud noises of the house. For some reason that wasn't happening this time.

The house was suspiciously quiet. California did not like it at all. As much as he could appreciate not having to hear the constant screaming while he was in his current state of mind, it was too off putting.


Texas sat back down on the couch after California had head off to his room. He really wasn't sure what to think about the events that had occurred.

Something about the golden state, just drove the Texan mad. He hated not knowing why he felt like this around California. That was part of the reason he acted so sour towards the westerner.

As the Southern state was thinking about the burning state, he thought of how he had woken up holding California. He looked so adorable with his messy hair and he felt warm. Also, aside from the arguments, Texas actually enjoyed listening to Californian's rants. The amount the state knew was impressive, and if nobody interrupted the rant, he would get so excited about the topic.

Oh God, he liked California. Texas was so screwed.


California stumbled towards the kitchen, holding his chest in pain. As much as he didn't want anymore awkward encounters, he needed to get some water to help the burning.

Once California finally got there, he started to feel light-headed. The smoke from the fire was getting to him again.

California started to panic. He couldn't risk going to his room when he felt this close to passing out. He would have to find somewhere closer to wait until he was stable enough to get there. The couch was his best bet, as much as he really didn't want to deal with whatever happened.

He started to make his way to the living area, trying not to pass out. He finally got to the room and Texas was still there.

When Texas saw the state California was in, he rushed over to help the blazing state get to the couch. He seemed to blush when he supported California, but Cali was too delirious to be certain. California managed to keep himself from passing out immediately, despite the pain and the smoke.

"California, are you okay?" Texas asked.

"Yeah," California said with a grimace, "Another fire has started, and I was not mentally prepared for it."

Texas looked at California, concern clearly shown in his gaze. This once again was very odd to California. It was unlike any of the states to be this concerned for him. 

However, California couldn't say that he particularly minded it. He was so used to being an outcast with only DC to care when things went badly. This was a pleasant change in California's life. 

"Thank you for helping me," California said to the Texan.

"It's not a problem Cali," Texas responded, "However, I think it would be wise if I stuck around while these fires are burning. I don't want you alone if you have another episode like that."

California was a bit flustered at this proposal. Even DC wasn't this protective of California during his disasters, so this was very strange. However, California could see the logic behind it. He was clearly in a state where it would be wise for someone to keep an eye on him.

"Alright, that would probably be a smart idea," California stated while trying not to blush too noticeably.

California leaned on the slightly taller state, tired from the stress of the fires. Texas did not seem to mind and in fact wrapped an arm around the burning state. 

The two sat in a comfortable silence for a bit, each secretly enjoying the other's company. After a while, Texas looked over to California, "Hey Cali, you still seem pretty exhausted," he said, "Do you wanna spend another night on the couch or do you want me to help you get to your room?"

California considered the options for a minute before saying, "I would appreciate sleeping in my room if you are willing to help me get there."

Texas helped the other state up from the couch, and supported his side as the two headed toward California's room.

Once the two had gotten there, California got into his bed and got comfortable.

Texas looked around the space awkwardly, seeming to be unsure of what to do. California, taking notice of this asked, "Hey Tex, what's up?"

"Uh... I don't want to leave you here alone, so I am not sure what to do," Texas said, obviously very flustered.

California blushed a bit before stating, "You can stay in my bed if you want, it is large enough for the two of us."

Texas hesitated before getting into the bed next to California. With how red Texas was, one could assume he was the one on fire. It didn't take long for the two states to doze off to sleep. 


"Y'all! You will never guess what I just heard!" Florida yelled with excitement.

"This is probably very unimportant, but what did you see?" New York asked with annoyance.

The Floridian was practically vibrating as he explained that he had eavesdropped what had happened with California and Texas. New York smiled slightly before stating, "Perfect, we might not even have to do much else, this is going so well."

"Mais, I hope this works," Loui said before taking a sip of his drink, "I am so ready for those two to get over their tension."


AN: Yo!!! I am sorry this took a bit to write. Writers block and real life stuff have been kicking my ass. I hope y'all enjoyed this update! Also, I  am so tired, but that isn't new so it doesn't matter :D. Y'all better have a good day, or else I am fighting God again.

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