Chapter Five

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When the morning came, both California and Texas were entangled in each other's arms. Both remained blissfully asleep as a certain southern state quietly opened the door to California's room.

Florida quietly walked to the bed where the two were sleeping, camera in hand. As he quickly snapped serval pictures, he could hear the rest of the house beginning to stir. Florida had to hurry up and get out before the pair woke up.

Just as the state closed the door behind him, Texas started to wake up. The southerner state looked down at the state sleeping next to him. It had been a long time since California had looked so peaceful.

Texas wanted to just stay with the Californian in the bed, but they already had one awkward interaction caused by them waking up together, and Texas wasn't sure about doing that again.

It was becoming increasingly obvious that Texas cared for the other more than he would like to admit, but Texas wasn't sure if he was ready to put the thought into figuring out that. Also, there was no way California remotely reciprocated any feelings.

Texas decided to try and get out of the bed. However, Texas found that the both of them were deeply entangled in each other's arms, and Texas wasn't sure on how he was going to get up without waking up California.

Texas started to try to carefully get himself free from the grip of the sleeping state, but despite Texas's best efforts, California was awoken by the movement. California opened his eyes and looked at Texas.

This caused Texas to short circuit. The way the western state looked in the dim light and messed up hair, made Texas's heart flutter.

At first California appeared to be a bit confused to see the Southern state in his bed. Then as he seemed to process the situation they were in, his face went bright red. Texas cursed himself as this made him short circuit for a second time.

California then seemed to finally find the words to say something, "Hey, we are sleeping together... again..."

"Yeah, uh..." Texas struggled to respond in his flustered state, "How are you doing... with the uh... fires?"

"Better, I think," California stated softly.

"Good, uh... do you wanna get up?" Texas was really not sure what to say.

California paused for a second, before responding, "Yeah, let's do that."


The two stumbled out of California's room, heading towards the living area. New York was sitting in one of the chairs reading a book. California decided to take sit down on the couch reasoning with himself that it would be a good idea to be somewhere he could lay down if another episode of the fires hit him. To California's disappointment, Texas headed off once California was situated on the couch.

Once Texas seemed to be out of earshot, New York looked up from his book, "So, what's goin' on with you an' Tex?"

"What do you mean?" California asked the northeastern state.

"You two seem very close as of recent," New York stated bluntly, "I saw the both of you sleeping together on the couch two nights ago."

Oh shit! California hoped nobody had seen that. He should be grateful that it was New York of all of the states. New York wouldn't gossip about something like that that unless it was being used as blackmail or if of was part of one of his plans, and California couldn't see either of those being a possibility at the moment.

New York looked at California expecting some sort of answer. California finally spoke, "Uh, he is just helping me while I am dealing with these fires."

"So he was holding you in his sleep to help with your fires?" New York asked with a smirk.

California went bright red at this statement. He wasn't sure himself what had been going on between him and Texas, he didn't know how he could explain it to New York. Luckily for California, he could here the sound of other states getting up. New York hated people and would likely drop the interrogation the moment anyone came into the room.


Once Texas was sure California was good, he went to go get himself coffee. This had been a very confusing couple of days. Texas didn't know exactly how to confront it all.

Texas started to brew up a pot of coffee when he heard the typical morning commotion. Florida had apparently stolen Gov's keys and hid them somewhere. Gov was reasonably very upset by this predicament, "Why would you steal my keys!"

Florida was cackling at Gov's anger while saying something about chaos. Once Texas finished fixing the coffee, he grabbed two cups and headed back to the living area. California was still on the couch when Texas got there, and Texas gave him one of the cups.

California glared at New York before thanking Texas for the coffee. Texas then took a seat in a chair next to the couch. He took some time to just relax and drink his coffee. However, Texas kept finding his eyes wandering over to California.

Before things could get to peaceful though, Florida walked into the living area with Louisiana not far behind. Those two together never brought anything good with them. 

When Loui spotted both Texas and California, he nodded to New York before whispering something to Florida. Florida grinded wildly at this.

"So, how did the both of you sleep last night?" Florida asked innocently.

"For being on fire, I think I slept decently," California said, not bothering to look up from his coffee.

"Really," Louisiana asked with a faux disbelief, "I would think sleeping with someone you supposedly hate would not help you sleep."

Both California and Texas went red at this. "What are you talking about?" California tried to ask with a pretend cluelessness.

"Florida has a picture if you need a reminder," Louisiana said with a smirk.

Florida then pulled out his phone and showed the two a picture of them in California's bed together.

"Where did you get that?" both Texas and California were confused on how Florida managed to get a picture of them.

Florida cackled, "I have my ways."

 New York then coughed at Florida and Louisiana. The three of them headed out of the room, leaving just Texas and California.

The two stared at each other in an awkward silence.

"Maybe, we should discuss this in your room since they seem to have a way into mine?" California stated with a blush.

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea."

Texas helped California up from the couch and the pair headed off towards Texas's room.


An: Hey y'all! I finally making the plot go somewhere :D! Anyways! I really appreciate y'all's patience with how long this chapter took to write. I had a lot of stuff going on, so it was difficult to make time to work on this. Hopefully, it won't take as long to get the next chapter out!

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