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A few weeks later

Nya had just got out of her class and she was walking to cheer practice, her and Aniyah had made the team and since that was her last class of the day. She had chose all morning classes except for one class that she had on wednesdays at night time. Nya had 6 classes a day to ensure that she'll graduate in 3 years instead of the 4 years.

When she got the the gym she threw on some shorts and a tank top and began stretching. The basketball team had walked in unannounced  and sat in the bleachers to watch them. Aniyah came next to Nya to help her warm up and when the girls all stood up they heard the guys making comments.

Nya rolled her eyes and Ashanti smiled at the comments they were making. She obviously like the attention that they were giving her but Nya on the other hand could care less for it.

Music began to fill the gym and they began to do the routine that they was working on for the last few weeks. It came natural to Nya and Aniyah's and  they were killing it.

"Put the twins in the front" some guy yelled and and Ashanti thought about it and agreed

" okay let's switch yall" Ashanti said

"I'm always in the front though" a girl objected

"Well now you're going to the back"

The girl just glared at them and continued to go to where she needed to be. They kept going over the same routine to make sure everybody had it down pack. They would cheer for both the football and basketball team and Their first game they'll be cheering at was in a week.

After they finished practice Nya's body was tired. She sat on the floor for a minute.

"You good?" A member of the basketball team asked he was beautiful and shirtless.

"Yea" Nya said returning the smile he extended his hand to help her up

"Thank you" she said

"What's your name ?"

"Nya & yours ?"


"Well Trey I'm going to head out now" she said looking at him

"See you around Nya" he said

He spotted her at the party and wanted to approach her then but seen Jahsiri all up on her so he backed up. He was a sophomore but was well known around the school and Atlanta period for his basketball skills, everybody flocked around him because they knew he was going pro.

Nya looked back at him once more before exiting the gym completely. Aniyah was in front with the rest of the group talking to other members of the basketball team.

"They're throwing a party you coming?" Aniyah asked

"Nah I think I'll pass this one" Nya said she wanted to shower  and complete her assignments. Even though they were due next week she didn't want them to start to pile up.  She talked with them for a good 15 minutes before going they all went separate ways.

She took the elevator to her floor and stopped when she seen Trey preparing to come on the elevator to go down

"Damn we meet again " he said smiling it was something about his voice that had Nya hot and ready.

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