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Hello! Welcome to my Eddsworld book!! Not really sure what this is exactly going to be yet, I just really want to share some of my Eddsworld content with the community! This book will contain stuff like fanfics, one-shots, headcanons, my own personal art, and more! I'm going to try to keep things as friendly as I can so don't expect smut or anything (at least for now as I'm not comfortable writing that stuff-), but there may be some swearing or violence. Each chapter will have warnings if needed beforehand!

At the moment this book is mostly about the neighbors, as they're a huge comfort for me! I'll create content for the other characters as I come up with ideas!! Also this is probably gonna have a lot of Jon x Eduardo, because I personally think it's really cute lol

Keep in mind I'm not really the best writer, I'm more of an artist :P Many of these fics were written late at night and weird errors may be present


I really hope you guys enjoy! :)

Jonuardo Lore (Jon x Eduardo oneshots and art!)Where stories live. Discover now