Light up the Night, Warm up my Heart (Jonuardo)

471 7 0

Characters/ship: Eduardo x Jon

Prompt: Christmas Lights

Words: 1966

Content warnings: none


Jon liked Christmas.

No, that's an understatement.

He loved Christmas.

He loved watching the snow softly fall to the ground, watching those cheesy movies and listening to the even cheesier songs, drinking hot cocoa and baking cookies, decorating the tree and sending Christmas cards to all of his neighbors.

He loved it all.

But most of all he loved to look at the lights. Something about them just completely mesmerized him, ever since he was a child. He remembers his parents driving him around the neighborhoods in town, stopping along the side of the road to admire the twinkling lights and decor of the houses around them. That childish wonder never left him, and to this very day he would drag his housemates around town just looking for those beautiful lights.

But this year was a little different.

Jon smiled as he squeezed Eduardo's hand, leading him through the parking lot and to the park entrance. It was their first Christmas together as a couple, Jon having confessed his feelings earlier that summer. And while they'd already been to the park's annual Christmas light display many times before in the past years, it was different this year. But Jon liked that kinda different. This year the two had gone alone, Mark having made arrangements to go instead with the neighbors later this week instead to give the two some time alone. To be completely honest, Jon was surprised that Eduardo even agreed to go, the other absolutely hated the cold and this time of year usually annoyed the hell out of him. Yet Eduardo had smiled when asked and had even seemed excited, maybe it was because the two never really went on dates often. No matter the reason Jon was glad that his boyfriend had come along with him.

The two entered the park, Jon's eyes immediately widening in wonder. Almost every inch of the park has been decorated, from the trees to the benches to even the buildings that dotted the landscape. Lights glistened on the freshly fallen snow from that morning, transforming the white powder into a beautiful rainbow of color. The lights seemed to dance as they twinkled on and off, some creating a beautiful pattern within the trees and others turning the displays in the field into animated displays of elves and reindeer. For a moment Jon even forgot that the sun had completely set, as the holiday decor completely lit up the night sky.

"Oh, Eddie-! Isn't it beautiful!" Jon held tightly onto the other's hand as they walked through the park.

Eduardo gave a small smile, adjusting his scarf so that it covered his chin. "Mmhm.. It's nice-"

"Brr, it's chilly. Sorry, I had no idea it was going to be this cold tonight." Jon shivered as a small gust of wind hit, the cold nipping at his already red nose.

"It's fine."

"R-really? But I thought you hated the cold-!"

"It's fine Jon, really... I know how much these lights mean to you." He looked over, squeezing onto the smaller man's hand. "Besides, your hands are really warm-"

Jon felt his face heat up at this remark and he giggled. "Shuddup~!" He leaned closer and rested his head on Eduardo's shoulder, hugging the other's arm as they walked down a path lined with large, light-up candy canes. The park was pretty busy that night, which only seemed fitting considering that Christmas was only a few days away. Families and couples filled up the pathways, talking amongst themselves and laughing. Despite the cold temperatures, there was a sense of warmth in the air. Everyone was in high spirits as their worries seemed to be melted away from the heat of the lights that surrounded them.

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