get to know staz :)

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    hey, i'm anastasia thomas. but you can call me staz! i'm 16 years old, already becoming an alcoholic, volleyball player, love music, but most of all, im an illegal drag racer.
    i have an older brother roman who's 21. i know, that's a pretty good age difference. let's just say i was an accident. anyways, my brother has these friends, travis (the funny/dumb one), brian (the brains) , and myles (the actual normal one). they aren't just romans friends, they're really our family. our only family.
    my dad wasn't a good parent, at all. when my brother was born, my dad became abusive towards my mom because he never wanted a kid. so i guess you could say we were both accidents. my mom tried taking roman and leaving but dad always found her no matter where she went. she eventually stopped trying and decided to take the hits and consequences. 5 years later, my mom had an affair but told my dad the baby was his. but the problem is is that the guy my mom had an affair with was white and my mom and dad weren't white, so you could imagine my dads reaction after seeing that i was mixed and not like him, mom, or roman. only a couple weeks after being born, my mom told my brother to take care of me as she dropped us off on the streets of milwaukee in wisconsin. we both eventually went into foster homes together but once roman turned 18, he became my legal gardian. that's when he got into the drag racing business, met travis, brian, and myles, and now we're here.

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