chapter two: the gallaghers

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staz pov

i finally finished unpacking my room as well as the kitchen, and bathroom. i decided i was gonna go get some gas. i told roman where i was going and went out to my car. i was about to get in when i looked across the street and saw a boy dragging a older looking man up the stairs.

"hey do you need help?"i ask after running across the street.

his head immediately shot up and his eyes were wide open.

"uhhh sure if you want." the boy replies.

i open the gate and help lift him up the stairs.

"i'm anastasia by the way, but you can call me staz." i say while lifting.

"nice to meet you i'm carl."

carl opens the door after we made it up the stairs and we end up dropping him by a table. i look up and there were people starring at me, eyes wide just like carl's were.

"uh guys this is anastasia." carl says.

"you can call me staz!" i say after carl.

"hi staz." they all say in unison.

"are you the one with the loud cars across the street?" the girl asks me.

"uh yeah sorry about the loud cars." i say nervously.

"oh that's ok! they look really cool! i'm fiona by the way." she replies.

"nice to meet you fiona" i say.

"i'm lip and that's ian" one of the boys say, the other boy waves.

"well it was nice to meet you guys but i gotta get going!" i say trying to get out of this akward conversation. they all say bye and i walk out the door. they seem nice.

carl's pov

staz walks out the door after helping me carry frank into the house.

"holy shit." ian says.

"that was scary." lips replies.

"how the fuck did that happen!?" fiona asks.

"she just came over to me and asked if i need help with carrying frank." i say

"and the rest is history..." ian says laughing. i slap him in the back of the head before sitting down at the table with them.

"not funny dude. i was scared for my life, but she was so nice, and hot, and she has hella cool cars." i say.

"and she has a whole gang living with her dude. you don't have a chance carl." lip says. but he does have a point. they'd definitely rip my head off.

staz pov

after crossing the street and getting into my car. i started thinking about carl and his family. they were looking at me like they just saw a ghost. but, i wouldn't mind getting to know them better.

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