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Death. A word that holds the capacity of terrifying humans. Has it ever amused you how a 5 letters word can turn one's world upside down? how it can sacre someone to hell?

I think about it often and i don't understand one thing why are humans scared of dying? Don't get me wrong but seriously why? like we all know that at one point we have to die, we have to leave everyone behind and leave this not-so-kind world than why are we scared of it?

Anyways, life gives no good to almost everyone in this universe and still they want to live more like dude why?

Well, maybe they have something or someone in their lives, they don't wanna leave behind and that's the reason why they are scared of dying but in my case, i have nothing and that's the reason i'm not afraid of dying.

You can call me selfish but after losing everything i had now i live for myself so i don't have anything or anyone to look behind or care about. Though once i was the same as everyone but after all what has happened to me i've changed.

Anyhow, hey there I'm Tara. An 17 year old girl who has no interest in what's going on in the world and has no connection with humans expect one, my best friend, who plays the role of everyone in my life. I know I know earlier i said, i don't have anyone or anything in my life to leave behind and that's true.

Yes i do care about her and love her but i have learnt to let go and i'm not scared of losing anyone anymore. jugde me if you want to but it's how i'm. heartless.

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