Paper planes

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August 9, 2021

21:03 p.m.

Everyone has their own story, the decision is up to you wether or not to speak it out. Letting it all out, it is better than hiding it. Don't let your little mistake causing you to ruin your own entire life.

How did he end up here again?

The beanie headed male sat across the chair of the other's, a desk in their way.

He fiddled around with his fingers as the Brit's gaze was on him, watching his every move with a pen in his hands.

Silence filled in between them except for the sound of a pen clicking.

Soon Wilbur set his pen down and took out some sort of origami paper in bright blue colour as he began folding it into a paper plans, throwing it in the air afterwards, letting it glide around them.

Quackity's expression soften with a small smile on his face earning one of the Brit's charming smile.

"Do you like paper planes?"

He asked, waiting for a response to which the younger male nodded his head shyly to his question. He chuckled, taking out more origami papers out on his desk and folded them one by one, stopping in mid way and gestured for the other to do so as well.

Quackity hesitantly took one, carefully following his steps. He was nervous before but soon calmed down as the sight of the folded papers.

After a while, the two began throwing paper planes around the office as the bright and colourful papers filled around them causing the black hair male's expression sparkled at the sight of it.

Seeing this, Wilbur's gaze kept onto him with his chin rested on his palm. He watch his every movement, his little gestures and smile in admiration.

"Why don't you come by every Tuesday, same time as today?"

His question caught Quackity's attention who tilted his head a bit but soon nodded with a soft smile on his face.


The Brit chuckled softly and pushed his glasses up a bit as he simply stared at him for a good minute before actually speaking up.

"Have you been taking your meds?"

"Well- yes"

He hummed a bit, getting up from his seat and made his way to the other.

"That's good"

Seeing that the brunette got up, the male watch as he walk up beside him and place a hand on his cheek, carresing it gently with his thumb.

His movement caused Quackity to freeze on the spot, the warmth of his hands made him melt into the touch and for a moment there, he thought he saw that it was his mother.

"I don't like liars, Alex."

Hearing his actual name called out by Wilbur, he flinched and tore his eyes off him.

"I- I didn't lie."

"Is that so?"

The brunette scoffed, his hands still on the other's cheek, brushing his thumb against it as his gaze was on the shorter male's neck out of habit. His mind wandered off to how he would beg him for mercy, forcing him to look into those eyes of the Brit's.

He never tried it on a male before, all his victims were females, a good target to murder off. The thought of it sent excitement all over his veins, making his heart beat sped up a little.

Soon, Wilbur inhaled a bit, gripping onto Quackity's chin and gave out an innocent smile to him.

"You be a good boy and listen to his doctor's orders, hm?"

His words spat out poison making the Mexican male shudder at it as he glanced up, making eye contact with the other.

"Yes, sir"

He replied, blinking his chocolate brown eyes which the brunette slowly let go of his chin and chuckled once again.


Their eyes never left each other as silence once again filled in between the two. The begining of their story.

Oh god what has he gotten himself into this time?

A/N: IM SORRY FOR DYING- I SWEAR ITS NOT ON PURPOSE- Anyway have this new written chapter. It's a bit rusty but whateves at least I finally typed it out for once. ALSO this story will be updated at random times unlike my other one bcs I'm lazy. Mmh yes you heard me, laziness. Also ignore the fact I typed 2020 in the last few chapters pls 🐸

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