Out of the house

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Tw: medication??? Idk.

He still refuses to do so. Even his father nearly gave up on trying. Just swallow the goddamn medicine. Yeah, such a simple step but, why is it so hard?

Quackity had been staring at the bottle of pills for minutes, debating on wether or not he should take one. He grabbed it and examined the labels as he furrowed his brows at them.

It was just like what any other medicines he'd seen in the pharmacy. Not much of a difference.

Soon enough, he finally twisted the cap open and looked inside the white pills in it. He slowly poured out one of them and quickly shoved it in his mouth as he grabbed on a glass of water, gulping down the liquid and the pill his throat.

If he was being honest, he wanted to gag, to vomit it out but then again, he didn't.

He look up at the clock, watching it ticked then shifting his gaze back on the television. Nothing interesting was happening at the moment.

Quackity sighed, putting the cap back on and twisted it shut before leaving it on the table as he turned off the tv and grabbed the keys, leaving the apartment afterwards.

His father was back on buisness, knowing that he has his ways back in and there stood the male who didn't have the chance in going into a decent university thanks to his mental health.

The streets of Hong Kong was always busy and packed with people which he sometimes disliked it, it was better at night since it was quieter.

He made his way down, crossing the streets as he looked around for anything to get his mind off for once.

Then it hit him, the bakery he used to go during his senior years. If he remembered it correctly, it shouldn't be that far- oh.

There it is.

Quackity smiled at the fond memories of when the owner of the bakery would hold a small convo with him sometimes even offering him more than what he afforded of.

He walked towards the building, pushing the glass door open as the bell chimed when he does so. The scent of fresh baked bread hitting him once he entered.

The female behind the counter notices him as she smiled widely at Quackity. "Hey! I haven't seen you in years" She said, her expression still bright and cheery just as he remembered.

"I have been... Well let's just say busy" He responded, looking around a little at the place. His gaze scanned through the aisles with different types of buns, cakes, breads, muffins and such.

It keeps reminding him of his past, happy ones with his friends. It might seem strange to see a bunch of foreign people in one group but hey it's a private school and they accept international students, no harm in that right? (Honestly this is how my school is,,)

Deffinately. The male stopped and looked at the other standing there. She smiled, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear as she pointed at beside her. "Egg tarts?" Her question managed to squeeze a chuckle out of Quackity as he nodded. "Yeah, the usual" He replied, grabbing out his wallet as she stopped him, putting in the tarts in a small box neatly.

"It's on the house this time." She said, holding out the box for the male to take. He listened and sighed, shoving in the wallet back his pocket, accepting it. "Thank you, Niki. Well for everything I suppose"

She let out a softhearted laugh, waving her hand off a little as she gently shook her head. "Don't need to thank me, it was nice seeing you once again after a while. Come back everytime you like!" She chirped, brushing the apron over her sweater.

"I still love you" | QuackburDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora