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A/N here is the next update! I hope you enjoy! (The pic is from


They looked through Stephen's library for about half an hour. It turned out that quite a few of his Asgardian books were originals, which he was pleased about. Loki seemed very impressed by his range of literature, except one section. "What's supposed to go here?" Loki had asked, pointing to an empty book shelf. "That is for fiction." Stephen replied.

"Why is it empty!?"

"Because I don't like fiction."

"That's preposterous." Loki muttered.

Did he just say 'preposterous'? Stephen thought to himself. Who even says that? Spoilt Asgardian princes apparently. What had been going through his head when he'd let Loki live in his house he had no idea.

"Midgard has so many brilliant writers though!" Loki had continued, "Shakespeare, Stephen King, Jane Austen, Roald Dahl, Agatha Christie, James Patterson, Ernest Hemingway, Shakespeare-"

"You said Shakespeare twice."

"Because he's amazing! I can't believe you don't have any Shakespeare."

"I don't like Shakespeare. And I can't believe that you like fiction."

"Don't you dare dis Shakespeare in front of me! What's not to like anyway?" Loki argued, pushing off the shelf to point an accusing figure at Stephen. Stephen rolled his eyes, "It's all romance. Boring and unrealistic."

"It's not all romance and anyway, I think it's beautiful." Loki huffed, crossing his arms and pouting like a petulant child.

Stephen chuckled lightly, "I can't believe you're a romantic."

"I am not."

"It certainly sounds like you are."

Loki shook his head and stated, "I just appreciate good literature."

"Sure." Stephen responded sarcastically.

Loki had chosen to ignore this turned to place his hand on the empty book shelf. Suddenly the top shelf was filled with books. "Here are some of my personal favourites." Loki said, "I suggest that you read them."

"Do you just keep them in your magical store at all times or something?"


After arguing about books for a bit longer, Stephen took Loki to the lounge. There were actually 3 lounges at the Sanctum Santorum. One was the room currently being used for Avengers meetings and another was almost never used. The third, this one, was Stephen's favourite. It had a nice television and two sofas with intricate paisley patterns on them. There was a coffee table next to of the right hand side one that was shaped like the Eye of Agamotto. Stephen sighed happily; it was nice to be home.

He sat down on one of the sofas and Loki hesitated before sitting down next to him. Stephen found himself wishing that Loki would sit a bit closer. He ignored that thought and checked his watch. 20:39. Nearly 20 minutes to 9. "Ok, what do you want to do then? Not that we have to do something. You could just go to bed or... I don't know. It's up to you." Stephen frowned at himself. He didn't know why that had come out sounding so nervous.

Loki leaned his head back and stretched. He looked comfortable. It made Stephen feel nice inside. "Well what to do you normally do in the evenings?" Loki asked.

Stephen shrugged, "I usually just get into my pyjamas and have hot chocolate whilst I read or watch TV."

Loki leaned forward and nodded, "Sounds great, let's do that."

Stephen raised an eyebrow, "Seriously?"

"Yep. I have got to get used to your"- He did quotation marks with his fingers- "'Midgardian ways.'"

Stephen laughed, "Ok. Do you even know what hot chocolate is?"

"No, but I trust you not to poison me."

Stephen smiled, "Ok then, meet back here in 5?"

Stephen couldn't believe he had suggested pyjamas. He had got changed into blue checked bottoms with an old red t-shirt and was now making hot chocolate. Wouldn't it be weird? He barely even knew Loki. But, then again, they had known each other over two months now. Loki had changed since that time he had fallen onto Stephen's floor a few short years ago. Even from the start, he had been different from how Stephen had been expecting. He was...

Well he was good looking. Stephen hadn't been ready for that. It wasn't often that he found someone attractive but even so he could appreciate beauty when he saw it. And Loki was gorgeous, that was for sure. And it wasn't just what he looked like at first sight either. As Stephen had gotten to know him better, he had noticed the way that Loki sometimes curled a lock of his hair around his finger when he was nervous, and how he would bite his bottom lip when he was thinking. And of course the way his leather outfit hugged his perfectly formed biceps and the incredible way he handled magic. But of course, these things didn't mean anything to Stephen. They were just supporting evidence to the fact that he was kind of cute. That was all.

He took the two mugs of hot chocolate into the lounge. Loki was already sitting on the couch with one leg folded over the other, flicking through TV channels with the remote. He was wearing light blue silk pyjamas. Stephen could see his collar bone through the shirt. "Is this thing magic?" Loki said, holding out the remote whilst Stephen set the mugs on the coffee table.

"No, it's just normal technology." He replied. Loki looked impressed and then leaned forward to pick up his drink. He sniffed it.

"Careful, it's hot." Stephen warned.

Loki rolled his eyes and said dryly, "No, really?"

Stephen chose to ignore this and said "Do you want to watch something or..?"

"I have never watched television before. What sort of thing do you usually watch?"

"I like documentaries and crime shows." He laughed, "Wong says that's boring though, he always watches films and reality TV. Maybe we should watch a movie."

Loki sipped his hot chocolate, "Sure. This is not half bad, by the way." He said, raising the cup.

Stephen smirked and started to flip through films on Netflix. "You had plays on Asgard right? What kind of ones did you enjoy most?"

"I liked ones that told stories. Romance..."

"Well, we are absolutely not watching Love Island. You can watch stuff like that in your own time."

Loki laughed and added, "I also liked ones with battles and monsters."

"So action then. Maybe horror?" He continued to flick through films before stopping on one. "This is supposed to be good. It came out two months ago. I don't normally like horror movies because I think the characters are always stupid but even Clea says this one is good. She will only watch films that have good character development and aren't too predictable. Anyway, what do you think?"

Loki was grinning, "Let's go for it."

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