Chapter 2:

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~Author's POV~

Sapphire got a message from Karl stating where Kinoko Kingdom was located. 

She started heading that way with a smile on her face.

On her way there she ran into a few of her old friends,

Ranboo, who was surprised that she was alive again but happy. 

Tubbo, who was with Ranboo and told Sapphire a short story of what happened while she was dead and said that he would catch her up more after she gets back from Kinoko kingdom.

Quackity who screamed when he saw her and then continued to scream about how much he missed her and about his new country, Las Nevadas.

After those meetings with her friends, she finally got to Kinoko Kingdom. 

"Karl?" Sapphire said walking around the giant mushrooms.

"Sapphire!" he shouted from on top of one with a smile and MLG water bucketed down a mushroom.

"I'm glad you made it here! Did you have trouble? Took you an awful long time." 

Sapphire let out a stiffled laugh. "No, I just ran into some people."

"Oh," Karl said. "Well who did you run into?"

"I ran into Ranboo, Tubbo, and Quackity!"

"Hm.." Karl said trailing off.

"You okay Karl?" Sapphire said putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah I'm fine."

There was a thick and awkward silence that filled the air.

"You look different! A bayonet I see. What happened to your bow?" Karl finally said breaking the silence and starting to walk up some stairs.

"I honestly don't know. But I'm kind of excited for a new weapon. I know I could've changed it when I was alive but I think it was fun that Wilbur was teaching me how to use TNT properly and how to shoot guns in the zone."

"TNT?" Karl said.

"Yeah. But don't worry, he's changed his ways." Sapphire assured.

"...Okay!" Karl said with fake enthusiasm. "Why don't I show you around Kinoko Kingdom?"

"Yeah that would be amazing Karl. Thanks."

~Time skip brought to you by Brodyquest by Lemon Demon~

Sapphire was now going to part her ways with Karl to go see if she could find Wilbur.

She traveled around everywhere for a while and she found this giant place in the desert.

All of a sudden a totem of undying shark came out of a giant sand sculpture.

"Excuse me?" Sapphire questioned.

The man turned around and a smile appeared on his face. "Sapphire?!" He said running towards her.

"Foolish?!" She said while running towards him and hugging him.

"Did you build this?" Sapphire aksed.

"I-I did! I did!"

"Wow! You're an amazing builder! If I pay you could you build me a small cottage in the woods for me?" The girl said laughing.

He let out an awkward smile considering that's how Dream ended up back him prison. "Yeah! I actually have a perfect spot! I can build it for you and then bring you to it."

"Awesome man! I'm excited for this."

Sapphire turned around and just kept admiring everything.

"You uh- lost the Wing Spiker?" Foolish asked.

"Yeah. Wilbur taught me how to shoot and also use TNT. So, I now use a bayonet."

"Well that'll come in handy at times."

"Yeah" Sapphire agreed.

"Hey, do you know if Sam is letting people into the prison? I want to visit Dream. I guess he got himself caught while I was dead. Although I don't know how he did." Sapphire questioned.

"Actually Sapphire, I turned Dream in..."

Sapphire looked at Foolish with a smile. "..."

"What?" She said.

"Yeah. I'm sorry. But I had to! And, I already started on the cottage. Dream was having me build it for you and him. But he kept leaving Ghastire out of the plans. Only because the ghoul wasn't you." Foolish embaressly explained.

"What is up with that ghost girl? Everyone keeps mentioning her. It's kind of annoying."

"Sapphire, Ghastire was you. Your soul. The good side of you."

"What do you mean 'the good side' of me?" Sapphire asked.

"You weren't a very perfect person back on Earth before you died. Before Technoblade killed you."

"I was an amazing person! I never hurt anyone! I gave everyone gifts and my affection! I was loyal to L' Manburg!"

"Not towards the end. You knew where a fugitive was and was helping him get away. And you started a war with Technoblade! You weren't the best, Sapphire." Foolished explained.

"Dream is a childhood friend. And he deserves a chance to fix himself. To be a part of everyone's lives again. He's only been part of mine. And he only has me and the Dream team. And Captinpuffy. But other then us four," Sapphire paused.

"He has no one."

Not Actually the Hero//Wilbur Soot x OC//sequel to NATVWhere stories live. Discover now