Chapter 6:

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I would like to apologize in advance, I havne't written this fanfiction in a while and I remember absolutely nothing and I am so confused on where to go with this but that's okay because I'll think of something. Also, because I'm amazing and can do this, check out the other story I'm making called One Thousand Ways to go Out. Me and my girlfriend made a tiny story about a woman killing her husband all because I found a really pretty vintage dress on Amazon and I decided to make it into a full on story. So go check it out <3

~Author's POV~

Sapphire glared at Dream and pulled out an enderpearl from her pocket.

"Yeah. Do what you always do and run away." Dream snarled.

Sapphire ignored the man and put the pearl on one of her arrows and shot it as far away as possible.

"I hope you rot in hell you cunt." Sapphire finally replied while grabbing onto Wilbur. And in an instant, the two vanished in purple dust particles.

It was quiet between Wilbur and Sapphire while they were walking back to Sapphire's house that she made a while back before all of this.

"Hey Sapphire?"


"Do you...really love me like you said earlier before all of that stuff happened?" Wilbur asked stopping in his tracks.

Sapphire stopped and turned around.

"I don't know, Wilbur. I know I said I did but I don't know."

Sapphire started walking again while Wilbur just stood there.

After a second Sapphire realized that Wilbur wasn't walking and she turned around again.

"Wilbur c'mon."


Sapphire started walking towards him.

"Wilbur please. I'm sorry that I don't know if I do or if I don't. But I just had a blow up with Dream. Are you really going to push me to say yes now? Wouldn't you rather wait for me to say then for me to get angry and say no right now?"

Wilbur started nodded his head.

"Yes, I'm sorry Saph."

"It's okay. Now c'mon. It's getting dark let's head home."

Wilbur and Sapphire continued to walk back to her house with small talk at the beginning of their expodition to loud laughter and playful fighting and mocking towards the end.

"Alright. I'm going to head to Phil's. I need to speak to him." Wilbur said.

"Oh, okay! Stay safe please." Sapphire said hugging the British man goodbye.

She walked into her home and saw Technoblade sitting on the kitchen counter sipping pepperming tea and reading a book.

"Techno??" Sapphire questioned.

"Oh! Sapphire! You're here already." Technoblade said looking up from his book and taking off his reading glasses.

"Yes this is where I live. Why're you here?"

"Becuase I wanted to apologize to you for the fight and break up between you and Dream."

Sapphire was dumbfounded.

"Techno you don't have to do that it wasn't your fault it was going to happen eventually. And it was the universe's plans for Dream and I."

"I still feel like I had a part in it. But whatever. Also uh-" Technoblade got cut off.

"Yes, you can crash here for tonight. Or for the next week. I have a guest room." Sapphire said.

"Thank you."

"You're always welcome pork chop."

"Don't call me that."

"Why not?"

"Because I don't like it."

"Mkay. What do you want for breakfast tomorrow? I was thinking bacon or sausage." Sapphire said laughing.

Technoblade glarred at the blue haired woman.

"Ugh. Turkey bacon and pancakes?" Sapphire offered.

"That's better." Technoblade said hopping off the counter.

"Ugh whatever. I'm going to sleep. Night bacon strip." Sapphire said sprinting into her room.

Technoblade threw a trident at the door just as Sapphire got it closed.

"I'M NOT A BACON STRIP!" Technoblade screamed.

"OKAY SAUSAGE LINK!" Sapphire yelled back.

Technoblade grabbed his trident from the door and walked into the guest bedroom laying down on the bed and drifted off to sleep.

And soon the next day would come around before anyone had time to process the clock ticking away their time.

Y'all I am so sorry I am- omg I was so lost this entire chapter-
Anyways go read my other book One Thousand Ways to go Out ;)
I know I know it's a lot of self promotion. But why not ya know?

Love you all!!


Not Actually the Hero//Wilbur Soot x OC//sequel to NATVWhere stories live. Discover now