I wanna live the rest of my life with him

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Next day

I woke up in a horrible hang over. My body was aching. I tried to get up. I gave up. I was so weak and my head was pounding and my body was hurting. I took up my phone hoping Cas would have texted me giving me a chance. He hadn’t I just had angry texts from dad. I sighed. He made it clear he was really mad and disappointed. Tears started to come. I hated all of this. I started to cry

Cas’s pov

I was talking with Charlie. “Charlie.. d-do t-think I was to harsh? I-I-I..I d-don’t w-wanna l-l-lose h-him..” I said sad. “Then force him to show you his face give him a second chance and if he doesn’t you never talk to him again and I will help you move on” Charlie said caring knowing the best for me. I was happy she was there for me. I texted Dean giving him a second chance to answer on FaceTime.

Dean’s pov

I was crying when I heard my phone buzz. It was Cas I looked at it. I felt a relived about him giving me a second chance but he said he would leave if I didn’t show my face. He said that he doesn’t care if its not me in the photos that he will still wanna be with me. It warmed my heart and gave me some confidence. I sat up my head was pounding really bad. I took a deep breath and went in to the kitchen and sat down at the table. It was alcohol bottles everywhere. I closed my eyes. My head was so bad. Cas suddenly called me and it was load. “ahh” I said as my head hurt like hell. I just answered wanting it to end. He couldn’t see my face. I tried not to make it clear I was hung over. “D-Dean?” Cas asked nervous. I looked at the phone. He was looking at the roof. He looked beautiful. I closed my eyes and put my head in my hands. “D-Dean?” Cas asked again. I wasn’t looking at the phone. I was thinking maybe it was just best to be alone my hold life. I had really fallen for Cas. Really hard. I knew I wasn’t getting over him. Some girl appeared in the FaceTime. I wasn’t looking at it so I didn’t see it. “Show your face to him. This is so rude of you. We all know you are not the person in the photos. Just show your face. You are being radicles. Cas deserves better" she said upset and loud. I flinched in the pain it gave my head. “Ok” she said going to the phone to hang up. I saw it. “n-n-no p-pl-ls d-d-don’t” I said sad trying to hide how much pain I was in. I saw the girl react like she recognised the voice. “c-c-can y-y-you p-p-pl-ls s-s-show y-your s-s-self?” Cas asked nervous. It hurt to hear I was hurting him. We have talked about our anxiety and struggles that’s how he knows many of my problems more than I have ever told anyone. I looked like a mess. I could see there were in a public place. “C-Can I.. J-Just t-talk to y-you a-alone?” I asked hoping he would be okay with it. I didn’t feel okay with showing it was really me to many people. Cas looked at the girl. The girl went up. “p-p-pls o-o-out o-o-of t-the p-public p-place” I said low not wanting people to know it was me. “o-o-okay” Cas said and got the phone and went out sitting by at tree. “I..I am really sorry..I was scared you would leave me. I lied about what I work as. But it’s the job I wanna do when I can’t play soccer anymore” I said. “c-c-can y-you p-pls s-show y-you f-face” Cas asked sounding like he was sad and was about to give up. “c-c-can w-we m-maybe d-do i-it t-t-tomorrow?” I asked. I didn’t want the first time being me looking like a fucking mess. “no.” Cas said sounding done with my excuses. I closed my eyes in nervousness. “okay b-bye” Cas said done with me. “n-no p-p-pl-ls-s” I said sad my voice braking. I didn’t wanna lose him. I took my phone up and showed my face. He looked speechless at me. I-I-its r-really you” Cas said shocked. I took down the phone. “yeah” I said. “c-can I s-see you again?” Cas asked. I sighed. “I look like a mess I didn’t want this to be the first time you would see me” I said sad. “Are you sick?” Cas asked softly and caring. “I am hung over” I said low. “Dean I think you looked perfect. Can I come over to you? I can come with some headache medications if you need it? I can also be just comfort” Cas said softly and caring. “I don’t want you to waste your time” I said taking my head in my hands. “You wont. Just send me your address and I will come to you” Cas said softly. “o-okay” I said wanting to have him close and have him comfort me. “Bye see you later” Cas said softly. “bye” I said softly. Cas hung up. I sent him my address. He came 1 hour later. I got up and opened the door. Cas smiled softly to me and hugged me. I closed the door and hugged him back. He let go after 3 minutes and got me some water and some headache medications. I swallowed them. “Have you thrown up?” Cas asked caring sitting down beside me. “n-no” I said. His look went to really worried. “You drank all of that. all of those bottles and didn’t throw up?” Cas asked really worried. “i-i-I d-don’t l-like i-it” I said looking down embarrassed. “To throw up?” cas asked caring seeing I was embarrassed. I nodded. Cas sighed and got up and gave me some water. “I will be there for you. You need to get it out from your system its not good for you. You can die” Cas said worried. I drank the water. Cas helped me to the toilet. Just looking at the toilet gave me anxiety. Cas sat down with me. I felt nauseous. “I will be here for you” Cas said softly. He helped me look at the toilet more. I gagged I tried to fight against it because I hated it. Cas rubbed my back softly. I gagged again and it came out. I couldn’t fight it. I hated it because I couldn’t breath and it was so uncomfortable with the braking and lack of air at the end. I threw up a lot. I went away from the toilet. I couldn’t breathe. I was having a panic attack when I first felt like I couldn’t breathe. Cas took me close to him and took his arms around me. “shh its okay. shhh you did good” Cas said softly rubbing my back softly. Some tears went down my face. I felt safe with Cas. It was even better actually having him here. I knew then that he is the love of my life. I slowly calmed. Cas kept comforting me. I had fully calmed down when I felt more come. I tensed. Cas saw it. He helped me back to the toilet. I couldn’t hold it. I threw up a lot. Cas kept rubbing my back softly. Tears going down my face because I hated it so bad. When I couldn’t get more out and I was just gaging and not getting anything out Cas took me back. I couldn’t breathe. I was crying. “shhh you did so good. You are done now” Cas said softly and took some paper and cleaned my mouth. He helped me up. I was breathing a little irregular. I closed my eyes. My head was pounding I felt dizzy. Cas saw I was in pain. He helped me to the bed and got some water. He put the blanket over me. He went out and got some more water and put it beside my bed. He helped me swallow new headache medications. I was so lucky to have him. “Do you have a bucket here? Like if you throw up?” Cas asked caring. I nodded and told him. He got it and put it on my side of the bed. He put his hand on my forehead. I was sweating and was really warm. He went out again and came back with a towel that was cold and put it on my forehead. I closed my eyes. Cas smiled softly seeing it helped. Cas closed the door and laid down beside me. “Are you warm in rest of your body?” Cas asked softly and caring. I nodded. He helped me take off some clothes. He put the towel down. I was okay just being in boxers. When I took off my shirt he looked at my abs. I laughed a little. His cheeks went red. It was so cute. “y-y-you….y-y-yo-ou a-are s-s-so b-b-beautiful” Cas said totally out of it. I laughed. I took off all of my clothes but my boxers. I laid back down. “you can take off your clothes if you want. If you wanna have some more than boxers I have t shirts and shorts in my ward robe” I said softly not wanting him to be uncomfortable. He looked down. “you don’t need to if you don’t feel like it” I said softly taking my hand on his softly. “i-i-I d-d-don’t l-l-look a-a-as g-g-good a-a-as y-y-you” Cas said sad and insecure. I sat up. “You are beautiful Cas, don’t say that. I am fit because I like training it doesn’t mean I don’t think you are beautiful. And it doesn’t mean you are not beautiful” I said softly taking my hand on his cheek softly. Cas started to tear up. It broke my heart. “Cas.. don’t cry y-you are g-gonna m-make m-me c-cry” I said feeling horrible for Cas image of him self. “t-thank you” Cas said thankful for me saying that about him “Cas” I said not wanting him to thank me. We looked at each others eyes. I felt the want to kiss him. He is so beautiful. I went for it. I leaned forward. I kissed him softly. He closed his eyes kissing me back. I loved it and he did too.


I wanted more and turned him and me so he was under me. I went on top of him kissing him passionately. I let go of the kissing and started to suck his neck. Cas moaned. I felt my dick tightening by hearing him moan. I sat up on him. We were both breathing heavy. My head hurt but I didn’t really care. Cas took some of it down just seeing him beautiful. “C-Can I take your clothes off?” I asked breathing heavy. I am so in to Cas. I hadn’t been so in love with anyone. I dated some girls but I didn’t feel like I wanted to spend the rest of my life with the person. I feel that way about beautiful Cas. Cas nodded nervous. I took off his clothes. I kissed his tummy when I had taken off all his clothes. I went up to his face, “you are so beautiful Cas” I said softly. I started to kiss him again hard. Cas took his one hand up my back softly and the other around my neck. We were in boxers. I went close to him. I started to thrust in to him with my hips. Cas moaned. I did too I felt so good. I wanted to take off the boxers but I didn’t wanna make him uncomfortable. We kissed passionate while I trusted in to him. He started to like it a lot so he turned and went on top of me. I smiled existed. Cas laughed softly. And suck my neck. I moaned. We kissed some more.

*NSFW over*

Cas laid down beside me. I looked at him confused wanting more but I didn’t wanna force him. I was breathing heavy. Cas was on his side beside me. I was on my back with my face towards him. “You are still sick. We can go further a different time. A-and we just saw each other for the first time” Cas said nervous on the last part. Like he was worried I wouldn’t like that he didn’t wanna have sex. “Hey-“ I said taking my hand on his cheek softly taking his head up. So I could look straight in to his eyes. “It’s okay I..I l-love y-you..I-Its o-okay i-if y-you a-are n-not r-ready t-t-to s-say i-it” I said nervous feeling horrible for saying it. It just came forcing out. I didn’t wanna force him. He laid on me and hugged me softly. I calmed down. “You should rest some” Cas said softly. I took my arms around him. It hurt he didn’t say it back but he hugged me so it means he likes me.. dam it really hurt. I thought I would be the person not saying I love you first…dam I am in really dip..I started to think maybe it was just one side thinking. That I loved him and Cas just felt bad for me and didn’t really like me much.. I hated it. Cas had fallen asleep. I was panicking a little. I hated being alone in my thoughts they always went so dark. I hate it. I was trying to calm down for Cas. Cas was deep asleep. I took some deep breaths and tried to sleep. I couldn’t and I breathed fast and listened to my thoughts to I passed out from my head hurting so much. I was out cold. Cas had no idea. He slept through it all and wasn’t woken up by me. I didn’t wanna bother him with my stupid problems.

Destiel soccerWhere stories live. Discover now