Thats when I realised I Love Him

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Next day
Cas had woken up and started to make breakfast. I slowly woke up. I rubbed my face. I went fast up and fell to the side my eyes going up. Shit.. I was leaning on the wall. I almost passed out. I should have been more careful. Cas didn’t hear it. I went slowly to the kitchen. Cas had made food. He smiled softly to me. I sat down and drank the water. Cas gave me more when I was done. “What’s the clock?” I asked trying to ignore my head pounding. “em its 10.40 am” Cas said softly sitting down. I started to eat. The pounding stopped my thoughts from coming through. We both ate. “I need to go to work. I can come here later if you want after work” Cas said softly. I was looking at the food eating. “p-pls don’t if you feel forced. I d-don’t w-wanna f-force y-you to. I have a lot of problems and I don’t want you to feel bad for me and just be with me because of that” I said sad. Cas sighed. “I-I am just not ready to say I love you yet. I hope that’s okay. I..I have never been with someone that have said so many nice things to me..I just need some time more with you before I am ready to say it” Cas said taking his hand on mine to comfort me. “o-okay” I said moving my hand so we were holding hands. I ate all of my food and drank the rest of the water. Cas went and got more for me. “I need to leave I will see you later today” Cas said softly kissing my forehead. He left after. I drank the water.
3 hours later
I decided to go to the soccer stadium and watch my friends play. I had came out to some of them but not all. Just the once I felt safe with. I had some good friends. I had with me two bottles of water. I didn’t wanna have a headache while people yelled and screamed around. I went and sat down where the people that don’t play sit on the team. Dad saw me. I got nervous but acted like nothing. I knew he was mad. I knew he was disappointed in me. And I didn’t come to work. “Go out on the field. We need you all out on there. Dave can’t come so you need to play” dad said. “I-I am n-not 1-100% y-yet” I said talking about feeling still sick. “I don’t wanna hear your excuses” dad said upset. I guess it’s my fault he thinks its not serious because I don’t normally get sick but I would think when I say I don’t feel good that he will understand. Because I never say I don’t feel well. He knows I don’t like being weak. “S-Sorry s-sir” I said looking down. I went down and went out with them when they did. We played. I ran but started to feel dizzy like I was passing out. It was what was happening. I stopped fully and I fell to the ground I was out cold. I was pale. My best friend on the team saw it and ran to me. “D-Dean?” Dan asked worried and turned me on my side. He yelled for help. Dad was looking at me waiting for him to say something. When he heard it he got help. I was sent to the hospital. One of dads coworkers took over. Dad went with me. I didn’t really think he would. He normally takes the team before me. It hurts but that’s the truth I just told my self. When we got to the hospital they checked me a lot. They found out fast it was because of alcohol still in my system and that it seemed from my symptoms I had more in before and that’s true. I guess I didn’t throw it all up. I was out cold for 4 days. They had gotten a way to get the alcohol out. They put me in a little coma so I would get the rest I need
Cas’s pov
I was working when I heard some of the boys teachers talk about Dean and that he had gotten badly hurt. I got so worried and took up my phone and it just got worse when I saw he had went out and played knowing he wasn’t fully okay yet and should be resting. It broke my heart. I took the day off, I couldn’t concentrate. I drow to Dean. I was so anxious and scared for him. I drove to the hospital knowing I wouldn’t get to see him but wishing it. I tried to get in but they said just family and when I asked if they could ask Dean or one of his family members to talk to me. They went and asked but I was told to leave and that he had no idea who I was. It broke my heart. I was looking at the news stressfully and anxious. I was panicking. I went to Dean's apartment and stayed there. I drank some of his alcohol. I was so worried. I realised there that I do love him. I was so scared I had never been so worried. The internet said nothing. It was torture. I passed out many times from panic attacks.

Destiel soccerWhere stories live. Discover now