I Love You

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Later that day

I was with Cas. Cas was drawing on some paper. He was really good. I thought about what Dan said. “Cas?” I asked having my head in Cas neck watching him draw. “Yeah babe?” Cas asked softly. I smiled by the nickname. “I..do you think I should come out?” I asked looking at him more serious and sad. Cas looked back at the drawing. “I think if you do it won’t all be bad. You will be a role model to more people and people will look up to you and feel better about knowing someone so famous is bi and likes guys and plays soccer. You will be a big role model for a lot of people. I am sure many gay or bi girls and boys feel scared to come out in the soccer industry. If you come out it can make them feel better and feel safer to do the same” Cas said softly. “I-I-I a-am j-just s-s-scared” I said sad. Cas took his stuff away and hugged me softly. “I will be there for you and you know Dan will be too” Cas said softly. I hugged him back. I thought about it some more. I told Cas I wanted to do it. Cas came up with some ideas and we found out which one I wanted to do. I wanted Cas to draw something on me. He is so talented so I wanna show him of too. Cas got some paint and drew a bi flag on my wrist. He was really on it. I thought it was so cute. I thought suddenly to tell Cas I love you because it was the feeling I was getting. Like how lucky I am to have him. but I remembered he said he would tell me I love you when he was ready. My smile went a little away I tried to hide it. Cas kept painting. It hurt that I loved him and he didn’t love me back..Cas looked up at me smiling. It diapered when he saw my hurt sad face. “what’s wrong babe?” cas asked worried. “n-nothing” I said looking down. “Dean tell me pls” Cas said worried. “I thought about telling you I love you but you haven’t said it yet and..” I said sad I just went up to walk away. I was getting emotional. I didn’t wanna force him. “Dean pls don’t leave. I-I l-love y-you. I love you so much. I am sorry I didn’t say it. I realised I loved you when I found out you had gotten hurt. I was so scared that I would lose you” Cas said sad walking towards me. I turned around feeling bad. Cas came close to me and put his hand on the back of my neck. He took me down and kissed me softly. I kissed back. He let go after 2 minutes. He put his hand on my cheek softly. I put my hand on his hand. “l love you a lot” Cas said softly. “I love you a lot too” I said softly. I went back and kissed him again. Cas let me kiss him to it had passed 2 minutes. He went away. “I need to keep drawing on you so you can post” Cas said softly. We went back and he kept drawing. “I love it Cas” I said softly. Cas smiled. He kept drawing. When he was done, he took a photo of me and Cas holding hands and the drawing showing. I went on my phone after while cuddling with Cas. I started to write. “I wanted to come here to tell all of you that I am bi. I never really thought about coming out because many people in the soccer community is homophobic. My dad told me not to say it and I didn’t. I decided to do it today because I have a boyfriend and my best friend told me it wasn’t fair for me to hide who I am. I am coming out because I don’t want other people to feel like they need to hide them self it’s not right. It’s not you it’s something wrong with. It’s the people that tell you to don’t say it or that its wrong or anyone that doesn’t treat you how you deserve. I was lucky to have a best friend that supported me when I came out to him. If it wasn’t for him I don’t think I would come out. How he reacted had a huge role if I was gonna tell my family or not. And I know it can be hard when someone you care a lot about is not okay with who you are but don’t let it beat you down. Never stop fighting. I know it can seem like it’s not a light in the end of the tunnel but it is. It will get better” I wrote under it. I was so nervous to hit the share button. I gave it to Cas. He did it for me. I hugged him tight after. I didn’t look at my phone.

Next day

I hadn’t looked at my phone but I knew it was everywhere on the news. Dan had texted me saying he was proud of me. Sam came over and was so existed and happy for me. It ment a lot. I went to the stadium. I was ready for dad to be mad and ban me from the soccer team. But he didn’t. He didn’t say anything. But after some minutes he told me to not go on the field that I was the in player. I took it as him saying he was upset at me. Dan came and apologised to me because of dad putting me here. “it’s okay go out and win” I said softly to try and make him feel better. He looked at me sad and went out as I said. I watched them play. I got the courage to look at the news and it was filled with me coming out and that my dad was homophobic. I felt a little bad for dad. Because I didn’t mean to put him so bad but he never told me he was okay with me being gay. It looked like he just blocked it. It hurt as much in my opinion. News came up as I looked at different once. Some came up from the soccer game. They were starting to try and find out who the friend I talked about was. They also started to take up Dan because he just came to looking like apologised to me. They started to say he maybe didn’t know. I sighed and went on my story and wrote down Dan was the best friend. I was happy for what people said when they saw that. They started to post of how good Dan was for doing that. I liked that he got some good stuff. He have went through so much and he needs some good things from fans. I watched them play. When it was over Dan came to me and sat down. “Do you want me to talk to your dad?” Dan asked wanting to help me. “No its okay” I said not wanting him to get in trouble. I could see Dan didn’t like the answer. “I know you wanna stand up for me but I don’t want you to get in trouble pls don’t say anything. I will talk to him if he keeps doing it” I said softly getting up. I waited on him. He got the hint and we went and played some soccer. Cas called me so I told him where I was if he wanted to come. We were tricking with the ball. I love playing. Cas came some hours later. He came through barely. He had with him his nephew. I had just heard about him. He was 7 years old. He was so amazed with everything. He thought it was really cool. He came in to where me and Dan was. Cas smiled softly to me. The boy ran existed to me. I smiled and we played with the kid. Cas watched us play to he was exhausted and watched me and Dan play. He fell asleep getting hugged softly by Cas. Cas said he is really close to his nephew. Me and Dan played for 2 hours. When we were done we were exhausted and we went home. I drove Cas to where his brother lived. Cas came with his nephew and gave him to his brother. Cas came back a little later and we went home. Cas had moved to my apartment. I told Cas in the drive what my dad did. Cas felt bad. We cuddled through the hold night.

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