I wanted this for so long

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Next day

John’s pov

We always talk to the coaches before a camp. I had seen the news about Dean coming out. I was worried about him but it wasn’t the reason I put him out of the field. It was more that I thought he still needed to take it slow. I talked with the coach and it ended with me punching him in the face after he talked bad about my son. He used a homophobic slur it was then I pouched him because he went over the edge. I knew he would tell the press. He went away. I just went back. I had seen the press thought I was homophobic and didn’t love my son. I just tried to not think about it. I think what’s important is that my son knows I am not. But I didn’t know he thought I wasn’t okay with it

Dean’s pov

I stayed with Cas to I needed to go to work. I went to the stadium. I was ready to be not playing. But my dad told me that I could play. I was happy about it. I went out and played. The game was mid through. When one of the players from the other team was told by the coach to come to him. They talked and he went back out on the field. Dad looked at them watching. He went after me. After some minutes he tripped me and I fell and hurt my ankle. I screamed okay load in pain. It hurt like hell. I had turned my foot more than it should and it hurt so bad. Dan stopped and ran to me. The judge came and gave the guy a yellow card. Dad was bubbling of anger. Dan stayed with me to I got help. I persuaded it. He helped me be back off the field. He helped me sit down. Dad didn’t say anything when we walked past. I saw he looked angry and thought it was because of me. My stomach hurt. Dan said he could stay with me but I told him to go and play. He saw I wouldn’t let him stay. A doctor came and took on bandages tight around my ankle and took some ice on to. It hurt so flinched some times. They kept playing. Dad didn’t say anything. I called Cas wanting company. It was more than an hour yet of the camp probably more. Cas said he could come. He got his friend college to take over for him. Cas came. He had moved school closer to me. So he could get faster to me if I needed him. I told him he didn’t need to but he insisted and really wanted to so I couldn’t really tell him no. He came and smiled softly to me and sat down beside me. “What happened?” Cas asked worried looking at my foot. “A guy tripped me on purpose he got a yellow card..d-dad didn’t say anything. He just looked mad” I said sad putting my head in Cas neck. He put his arm around me. I watched the game. “He deserves to get a red from what I know about soccer” Cas said laughing a little embarrassed and to make me feel better. It worked. “Thank you for coming. It means a lot” I said softly. Cas smiled softly. He leaned his head on mine and we watched the game. Dan smiled to me when he ran past. I smiled back. I was really serious when I wrote he is the reason I came out. He means so much to me. I don’t know if he gets how much he means to me. When the game was over Dan came and talked with us and helped me get out and in to the car. We said good bye and me and Cas left. Dan drove to his place.

John’s pov

I was so angry the judge didn’t see he did it on purpose. I felt like it was my fault he got hurt. I shouldn’t have had him on the filed. It’s all my fault. I got angry at the judge when he said he didn’t see it. I was so frustrated that they would get away hurting my son. The judge left and checked the footage and he gave the guy a red card. The news picked up at it and the judge told them what I had said. I had told him the coach was homophobic and that he did that to my son because of who he likes. The coach had already said I attacked him. He didn’t say why but now it was getting clear. I was relieved but still Dean had gotten hurt.

Dean’s pov

I was told not to play for a week. I didn’t like it but Cas said he could take off and we could spend time together. We went to his brothers cabin and had some good time. I hadn’t looked at the news so I had no idea about what dad had done. I hadn’t seen the case about dad punching one of the homophobic coaches. We had a lot of fun. Dan came one of the days and spent some time with us. I didn’t want him to be totally alone for 1 week. We had a lot of fun. Cas and Dan bonded more. I started to walk on my foot. I played some with Dan taking it slow. After the week I went back to the stadium. Cas was working. I sat down. I was thinking dad wouldn’t let me play. I hadn’t looked at the news and Dan or Cas hadn’t said anything about it so I had no idea. Dad saw me and went to me. I looked at him and then looked down. Dad sat down beside me. “Are you okay with staying here for 2 more days? I heard what the doctor said and I just think just in case so you don’t get more hurt. You can train with us if you want but you need to take it slow” dad said caring. “okay” I said I was about to say sir after but I didn’t. “I am glad you are okay” dad said before leaving. I didn’t get to react before he had went away. It made me feel better that he said that. I went on the news while watching. I read what the judge had said. I felt a huge relief that dad cared about me and stood up for me. I know understood he was not mad at me. He was mad at the guy that hurt me. I just wished he had came to me and checked on me but I know that’s not really how he operates. I let go of a deep breath. It felt better to know he loved me still as much. When the camp was over I went to dad. He turned. I just went for what I wanted a hug. I hugged him. Dad didn’t see it coming but hugged me after. It was a good real hug. “t-thank y-you f-f-for s-s-standing u-up f-f-for m-me” I said trying not to get emotional from the soft hug I really wanted for so long from my dad. “I am sorry I didn’t tell you. I don’t have a problem with you being bi. I..I at first didn’t like it but I thought about it and I don’t wanna lose you. I still love you as much” dad said softly. Tears went down my face from hearing it. It ment so much. I tried not to show it. Dad let go and saw the tears down my cheek. “I am so sorry Dean” dad said feeling bad. “It’s okay I love you too” I said my voice braking. Dad went back to hugging me seeing I needed more. We hugged for some more minutes. Dad walked me to the apartment and I went in and went to Cas and told him. I was so happy.

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