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March 22, 2015

Messages between Scarlett and Winter


Wrong Number:
My best friend is convinced you're a serial killer and you're just baiting me so I can be your next victim😂

Stranger Danger:
I really could be a killer

Wrong Number:
Yeah but I'm pretty sure a serial killer wouldn't say that over text because then there's proof.

Stranger Danger:
You watch criminal minds, don't you?

Wrong Number:
Yeah and NCIS, unsolved mysteries, you know, anything involving killers😂

Stranger Danger:
Are you getting serial killer vibes from me?

Wrong Number:
Not yet
But how do I know your names not Loretta and that you're not going to kidnap me, kill me and then bury me in Mexico?

Stranger Danger:
I guess you don't. But its a good thing my names not Loretta😂

Wrong Number:
Fine. Then what is your name, stranger?

Stranger Danger:

Wrong Number:
Oh. Doesn't sound like a killer's name. Unless your Scarlett fever 😂

Stranger Danger:
Haha so funny
Now what's your name?

Wrong Number:

Stranger Danger:
Hm. Doesn't sound like a killer's name.

Wrong Number:
Winter is the perfect serial killer name😦

Stranger Danger:
Whatever you say, Winnie.

Wrong Number:
Oh giving me a nickname already😉

Stranger Danger:
Yes ma'am 😜

Wrong Number:
Well this has been fun. But I gotta go to bed because I gotta be at the airport at 6am🤓

Stranger Danger:
It's literally 1230. Shouldn't you already be asleep?

Wrong Number:
Nah it's only 1030. Should I still be asleep already? Maybe, but it's fine.

Stranger Danger:
Right, we're in different time zones. Where are you going?

Wrong Number:
Seattle, LA, Dallas and Nashville 🤪

Stranger Danger:
You're going to four different cities? 🧐

Wrong Number:
Oh, right. Sorry. I'm a pilot. I'm not just plane hopping for the fun of it😅

Stranger Danger:
Oh that's cool! I'm an actress, I'm always flying somewhere🤪

Wrong Number:
Wait a minute. There's no way this is a coincidence.

Stranger Danger:

Wrong Number:
Your name is Scarlett and you're an actress? Do not tell me you're Scarlett Johansson??????

Stranger Danger:
I am though

Wrong Number:
You're fucking with me🤭

Stranger Danger:
I'm not! I promise

Wrong Number:
Okay then prove it

Stranger Danger:

Wrong Number:I could've gotten that off of the internet so fast

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Wrong Number:
I could've gotten that off of the internet so fast

Stranger Danger:
Okay fine.

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