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November 3, 2015

Hot Hansson has added Winter Baby to Marvelous


Stank Industries:
Yay! You finally added her


Ruffalit Lohansson:

Hammer Time:
How come your girlfriend gets to be in this but my wife can't be?

Hot Hansson:
Elsa told me to under no circumstances add her this 'chaos' as she put it

Hammer Time:
And this whole time I've been thinking that she was feeling left out 😕

Mack Attack:
Baby Winter's here god save us all

Wiener Soldier:
Mackie you better be nice before Scarlett takes you down

Mack Attack:
I'm not scared of little Johansson over there

Witch Bitch:
That's not what it looks like to me
You're literally hiding behind me so she doesn't see you

Mack Attack:
That's not true

Then why are you screaming like a little girl?

Mack Attack:
I did not come here to be attacked and I don't scream like a little girl

Hot Hansson:
That's exactly what you did when I grabbed you from behind
For not being afraid of little Johansson you sure do act like it

Winter Baby:
What in the hell? Have I been added to the group chat?

Stank Industries:
Yeah I finally approved it

Winter where have you been??

Winter Baby:
Doing my job?
So thank you for the fifty notifications all at once
High light of my day

You're welcome

Winter Baby:

Stank Industries:
Where are you my child?

Winter Baby:
Kansas City 🙁

Stank Industries:
You're so far away from me😩

Winter Baby:
I'm sorry🥺🤷🏼‍♀️

Stank Industries:
Are you coming to the premiere in April?

Winter Baby:
I don't know. Someone hasn't asked if I want to come🧐

Hot Hansson:
I'm sorry!
I was gonna ask you when I saw you next week

Winter Baby:
Uh huh sure you were

Hot Hansson:
I was I promise!

Mack Attack:
Ooh lovers spat

Good job Robert. You ruined the surprise🙄😂

Winter Baby:
Imma go for a second because I'm completely lost

Wiener Soldier:
Aren't you supposed to be good at this?

Winter Baby:
I haven't been to this airport in a while🥲 and if it wasn't for this group chat I would know where I was going😩 AND my copilot left me behind

That bitch

Winter Baby:
It's fine. He's probably at Starbucks. He has a coffee problem

Hot Hansson:
And you don't?

Winter Baby:
That's not the point
Gotta blast
And ya know, do my job

Hot Hansson:
I'm literally watching you eat donuts on FaceTime

Winter Baby:
You weren't supposed to tell them that

Hot Hansson:
I'm sorry?

Why am I now picturing Winter pouting while shoving donuts in her mouth?

Hot Hansson:
Because that's exactly what she's doing

Winter Baby:

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