Chapter 1

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Rita was in her room thinking about her ex boyfriend Calvin Harris. She put her favourite song on Maroon 5 Sugar. Rita and Calvin broke up almost a year ago because of the situation they had. They had a long distance relationship.
Rita was enjoying the music and thinking about her memories with calvin. She smiled. Just then Ricky Hil came in.

Ricky is to Rita just a really goo, but Ricky thinks that she loves him and he's rita's boyfriend..... Rita hasn't told him that she doesn't love him, and that she still loves calvin.

"Hi baby" Ricky said. Rita just smiled to him.
Next week are the BRITs Awards and Rita is going to perform her new single I Will Never Let You Down. Rita wants her performance to be perfect because Calvin is going to be there too and she wants to impress him.

A week has gone and tomorrow is the BRITs Awards that Rita has waited for so long. In few hours she's going to walk at the red carpet. Rita wore a beautiful white dress with diamonds on it. Her long view of course, and some gorgeous heals.

When Rita stepped her leg on the red carpet, the paparazzi went crazy! They all shouted to rita "you look gorgeous" "little bit smile on the camera" "yeah rita beautiful!" And also the fans started to scream "Rita rita rita rita rita rita...."
Rita looked to her fans and smiled to them. She also started to dance because she was so happy and excited to be there.

Calvin was there too. He wore a suit and looked so handsome. Calvin has still feeling for Rita too, but he thinks that Rita is dating Ricky. All his friends believes that Rita isn't dating him, they have tried to say it to Calvin like million times but he doesn't know what to believe.

15 minutes till Rita's performance she was so nervous. She was at back stage to get ready with her amazing team there.

The host comes on the stage with his microphone and says "Welcome the beautiful Rita Ora, she performs her beautiful song I Will Never Let You Down!"
Everybody stands up and claps.

Rita takes her microphone and walks on the stahe. Before she starts to sings she says " If you love somebody and you love somebody sing this to them, and you have to make sure you won't let them down, I love you" Then she starts to sing the song, she smiling and singing and jumping because she's so happy! She's happy because she knows that Calvin is watching her performance which makes her getting so energy and happy.

When Rita finished her song, few seconds before rita wanted to get off the stage the host said to rita "hey rita I want to ask you something" "okay" rita said with a big smile on her face.
"Are you in love?"

He repeated the question again to make sure Rita will answer to it.
"Yes I do love someone" rita says
"Can you say his name?"
"Ummm.... no I can't" she starts to laugh
"But all I can say that I love him so much and he will always be in my heart no matter what"
*covers her face like a cute puppy*
"Okay.. that sounds pretty interesting haha, you can go now to your family and celebrate to your amazing performance"

When Rita changed her outfit she sat next to Ellie Goulding. There were also sitting Ricky Wilson and rita's sister Elena.

Calvin was sitting next to Rita's table. He was in love with Rita, he thinks she looked amazing, Calvin just wanted to give her a big hug and kiss her....

After the Brits Awards was afterparty. Everybody went there to dance and have fun. Even calvin and rita went there, he wanted to go there as a chance to get to speak with Rita.

Rita was having so much fun, she was drunk and dancing so much. Calvin was looking at rita. Calvin's friend saw how he was looking at her. "I think you should go to talk to her"
"You think?"

Calvin stood up and walked behind Rita.
He took Rita's hand, and wipers on her ear "follow me" Rita noticed the Scottish accent very well
She followed him.

They went to a corner where no one can take a picture of them. Calvin looked at rita's big brown eyes. Rita looked at calvin's eyes.
"Adam what are you doing?"

(Just to let you know Calvin's real name is Adam)

He kissed her.
Rita kissed him back.
She pushed him away
"Rita I'm really sorry, I just want to say that I really love you so much I can't live without you. Please rita I know that we can make this work again"
Calvin is looking at rita's beautiful eyes.
Rita was holding her tears. She hugged him so tight. She didn't want to let go of him.
Calvin kissed her again.
"Baby I have missed you so much" rita said.

Just then there starts to play their song I Will Never Let You Down.
"I thought you were dating Ricky...."
"No. He thinks I love him... but I don't, I only love you"
Calvin smiles at her.

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