Chapter 4

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"Hi mum"
"Oh hi darling, how are you?"
"I'm good"
"So what were you doing in Vegas? Did you have fun?"
"Yes I had fun, but mum I need to tell you something about what happened there"
"Okay..." waits for an answer
"I got back with Adam, and I went to see him in Vegas....and then I hadn't told ricky about my feeling....and then he was there...."
"Yeah mum I'm sorry but I really really love him"
"I had the feeling that you're going to get back with him because I have seen how he is around with you, and I have seen how much he loves you"
*rita smiles at her mum*
"But what are you going to say Ricky"
"I really have no idea.."
"Well you could wait till he comes to you to talk"
"Yeah maybe you're right... let's see what happnes"

Rita and Calvin has decided that they're going to make their relationship in secret for a while because they need some space and time off from the paparazzi and from the media.

*calls calvin* "Hi babe, where are you?" "I need to see you ASAP "
"I'm atm in LA come here love"

Rita just landed in LA airport and there were lots of papas waiting for rita. Rita was wearing her own adidas collection roses pack mixed with super pack.

Rita rings the door bell and calvin goes to open the door. He didn't expect rita to come so fast.... he hugged him and she hugged him back

"Oooh so good to see you"
"Ah I have missed you so much, and btw I told my mum about us"
"Oh really, what did she say"
"She was really happy and she likes you"

It's 11.45pm and rita and calvin are watching movies together. They're really are joining their time, but rita was too tired so she went to sleep. Calvin went with her.  They're were just laughing in the bed and cuddling.

The next morning Rita woke up really early because she started to feel ill.
Rita went to throw up in bathroom.
Calvin woke up because he heard noises.
He looked rita and said "rita are you okay?"
"I don't know I have been throwing up all the time"
"What do you mean..... are you maybe.. pregnant?"
"I think I should do a pregnancy test....."

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