Chapter 5

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Rita goes to by herself the pregnancy test.
When she bought it, she came home and run staight upstairs to the bathroom.
Calvin run upstairs too to see if she was okay.

He knocked the door. "Rita?" She didn't answer. "Rita tell me are you okay?" "Can I open the door?" She didn't answer anything. He was waiting few seconds if she would say something. Just before calvin was ready to open the door, rita opened it.

They were looking each other. Rita had her pregnancy test on her hand. "So...?" Calvin was dying to know the answer.
Rita showed her test's results to him.

It was positive.

Rita jumped on calvin's arms. They hugged each others so tight, they were so happy! They were just laughing! Calvin took Rita's arm on his arm, he looked at her. "Rita... I can't believe this" "I know hahaha" she starts to giggle with her cute little laugh and starts to cover her face like a little puppy.

Calvin kissed her.
"Rita we need to celebrate this!"
"Hahahaha" rita starts to giggle
Calvin takes rita on his arms and walks down to the downstairs.
"Aww baby hahahh"

Calvin takes his phone and calls his and rita's friends to come to LA so they can tell the news.

"Hi buddy"
"Hi, Adam here. Come to LA I have something tell you"
"Okay I'm coming in half an hour"
"Okay I'll wait, come fast! Haha see you then here"

His friend doesn't know yet that calvin is back together with Rita so he have to tell to his friend pretty big news.

Half an hour has gone and of course his friend was late as always. Rita and Calvin were too nervous, that how they're gonna explain this everything. So rita decided to hide in a room, so when calvin is going to tell him about rita, she comes out of the room and shows up.

Five minutes later his friend finally came. "Hi mate sorry for being late a bit"
"It's alright"
"So for what did you call me here? It better be something very important, just joking haha"
"So first of all I have two things to tell you, they are pretty big news"
"Okay come on....!"
"You can show up here now" Calvin calls rita.
*rita walks in the room*
Calvin's friend mouth dropped
"What!! Rita?! "

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