The Betrayal & Warped To Ancientopia

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Warning Mature Content Ahead And Triggers You Have Been Warned!!

Royal Blood


I was pissed, finding out my boyfriend Landon was sleeping around on me with the slut of the town Miranda, so I marched over to where he was hanging out at with his buddies, which they were camping out at, and I walked up, and dropped kicked him in the face, and he fell on the ground.
His friends gaped at me as he coughed blood on the grass.

"You bastard!
Cheating on me with the slut of the town Miranda!
She has diseases up the ying yang you oaf!
And you had sex with me a few times!
You asshole!
I'm so disgusted!
This is over!
I hope you rot in hell you manwhore and your dick goes black and falls off!"
I then storm off, leaving him and his friends, and walk off down the sidewalk, and keep walking for about two hours, happy I dropped kicked him.

I walked home, and slammed my door, and locked it.
I then the next day went to my doctor and got tested for every sex disease imaginable, and found out the next few days I was negative on all counts of the sexual diseases, so I was happy about that, but overall, I was still pissed, and I decided to go to my usual forest I go for a walk in, and walk on the trail, which it's by an old shrine, and I walked a long time in the forest, enjoying the fresh air listening to my music of visual kei which is a kind of Japanese rock music.
As I walk, I felt the air shift strange as I got more into the trail of the forest, and the wind picked up, and I noticed the trees began to glow light blue, their leaves too, and I stop walking, and look around and noticed everything started to swirl around me.

I then took an earbud out of my head and I heard singing.
"Pure is impure.
Impure is pure.
The world which not comes forth seeps into the night.
The demons comes into the night reap forth.
The demon shall find his heart.~"

It was a creepy song which gave me chills, and the swirling continued, giving me dizziness, and soon things around me changed, and a swirling vortex spun around me, swirling leaves, and I cover my face to protect my eyes and face as the leaves and wind swirled around me, and making my clothes and purse flutter, and soon as it started it stopped, and I opened my eyes, and all of a sudden I see trees around me and grass that looked different to the trees back home, cause the trees back home were all tall pine trees, these trees were normal trees and average height.

The pine trees where I live are stories high, so this was strange.
I look around confused as I stood, and I still held my phone, and look to it, seeing no signal on it, and I tap it, and try to call my good friend Karen, but all I got was.
"Your call cannot be collected as dialed...."
Then it cut off the signal.

"The hell?!"
I pull my phone from my ear, and unplug my earbuds from my phone, and turn my music off.

I stick my phone in my purse, and start walking through this forest, and look around, and try to look for any civilians nearby to help me.
There should be people that live out in the boonies right?!
So they could lend me a landline, or a car to get to town if I asked politely.

I walk further and as I did; suddenly I heard rustling noises, and some men came from the bushes, two of them, and they were dressed in kimonos, I know kimonos when I see them from like Asian Dramas, and I blink in confusion, as I step back as they lick their lips.

"Look here, this is a rare sight.
Fair skin.
Strange colored hair.
Rare blue eyes.
She's dressed strange too."
One of the men smirked and I step back more as that man who looked me up and down like he wanted to eat me whole licked his lips again.

"Yeah she's a beauty."
The other man says.
"Is she a brothel woman?"

I gape at them.
"Stay away!"
I shout at them as the man that was closer to me grabbed my hair roughly, and tugged me to him, and smirked down at me.

Royal Blood {Sesshomaru Romance {18+}Where stories live. Discover now